§2510. Traffic court; civil service
All deputy clerks, assistants, and other employees of the traffic court of New Orleans, except the clerk of the court, and the minute clerks and stenographers of the judge, or judges, thereof shall be placed in the classified civil service of the city of New Orleans, effective on the first day of August, 1961, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14, Section 15, and particularly Sub-section G(c) thereof. After that date, the clerk of the traffic court shall continue to appoint, employ, and remove the deputy clerks, assistants and other employees of the court, but only in accordance with the provisions of law applicable to the city civil service system. All persons in the employ of the court on August 1, 1961 shall then acquire permanent civil service status in the class of position occupied on that date, subject to their satisfactory passing of a qualifying non-competitive test, prescribed and given within a reasonable time after that date by the director of the department of civil service for the city of New Orleans. The clerk of the court, the minute clerks, and stenographers appointed by the judge, or judges, of the court shall not be included in the civil service system, and shall be considered, for all intents and purposes, as unclassified personnel of the court. On and after August 1, 1961, the salaries herein prescribed for the personnel covered by the city civil service system shall be the established minimum salaries, or rates of pay, for those positions.
Added by Acts 1961, 2nd Ex.Sess., No. 6, §1.