§3852. Notices of seizure
A. The sheriff to whom the writ is directed shall make three notices setting forth the title of the action or proceeding, its docket number, the court which issued the writ, the amount of the judgment or claim specified in the writ, an exact copy of the description of the immovable property furnished him in accordance with R.S. 13:3851, and the fact that the sheriff is seizing the described property, in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure Article 2293, and, if applicable, the date of the first scheduled sale of the property. If the immovable property to be seized is owned by more than one party, the sheriff shall make an additional notice for each additional party.
B. The following form may be used for these notices by the sheriff:
"Notice is hereby given that I am this day seizing, in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 13:3851 through 13:3861, the following described immovable property, to wit: _______________________________________ as the property of ____________, under a writ of ______________, issued on the ______ day of _________, 19__, by the ____________ District Court for the Parish of _______________________________, in the matter entitled ______________ versus___________________, No. _______ of its docket, to satisfy a claim of $___________, interest and costs, this ____ day of __________, 19 __. This matter is scheduled for sheriff's sale on ________day of________, 19_____, at_______A.M./P.M., or any day thereafter as scheduled by the sheriff.
Parish of _________________
By: _____________________"
Acts 1960, No. 32, §6, eff. Jan. 1, 1961; Acts 1991, No. 662, §2, eff. Jan. 1, 1992; Acts 1992, No. 533, §1.