NOTE: §4405 effective until Nov., 2006, if the constitutional amendment proposed by Acts 2006, No. 863, is adopted in Nov., 2006. See Acts 2006, No. 622, §3.
§4405. Sheriff to record sales in conveyance office in New Orleans; filing of copies with board of assessors; penalties
A. The sheriff of the parish of Orleans shall record in the conveyance office of the city of New Orleans, all judicial sales of real property made by him, besides having the sales recorded in the clerk's office as now required by law.
B. Whenever any real property situated in the Parish of Orleans is sold at a sheriff's sale, it shall be the duty of the civil sheriff for the Parish of Orleans to file a copy of the act of sale with the board of assessors for the Parish of Orleans within fifteen days from the date of adjudication.
Whoever violates the provisions of this Sub-section shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned in the parish jail for not more than sixty days, or both.
NOTE: §4405 as amended by Acts 2006, No. 622, §3, eff. in Nov., 2006, if the constitutional amendment proposed by Acts 2006, No. 863, is adopted in Nov., 2006:
§4405. Sheriff to record sales in conveyance office in New Orleans; filing of copies with assessor; penalties
A. The sheriff of the parish of Orleans shall record in the conveyance office of the city of New Orleans all judicial sales of real property made by him, besides having the sales recorded in the clerk's office as now required by law.
B.(1) Whenever any real property situated in the parish of Orleans is sold at a sheriff's sale, it shall be the duty of the civil sheriff for the parish of Orleans to file a copy of the act of sale with the assessor for the parish of Orleans within fifteen days from the date of adjudication.
(2) Whoever violates the provisions of this Subsection shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned in the parish jail for not more than sixty days, or both.
Amended by Acts 1964, No. 43, §§2, 3; Acts 2006, No. 622, §3, eff. in Nov., 2006, if const. amend. proposed by Acts 2006, No. 863, is adopted in Nov., 2006.