§1204.2. Creation of system; functions; powers; duties
A. There is hereby created within the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Criminal Justice, hereinafter referred to as the "commission", a Louisiana Uniform Crime Reporting System, hereinafter referred to as the "system". The commission may appoint such employees, agents, consultants, and special committees as it may deem necessary to properly manage the system.
B. The system, by and through the commission, shall have the following functions, powers, and duties:
(1) To establish, through electronic data processing and related procedures, a system by which relevant information can be collected, coordinated, analyzed, and made readily available to serve qualified agencies concerned with the administration of criminal justice located anywhere in the state. The commission shall prescribe the terms and conditions under which such agencies shall contribute or gain access to information contained in the system files.
(2) To adopt such measures to assure the security of the system as may be specified in state and federal regulations.
(3) To adopt and publish for distribution to the system subscribers and other interested parties the operating policies, practices and procedures, and conditions of qualification for data access.
(4) To prepare and distribute, to all such persons and agencies, forms to be used in reporting data to the system. The forms shall provide for information regarding crimes which are directed against individuals or groups, or their property, by reason of their actual or perceived race, age, gender, religion, color, creed, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry or by reason of their actual or perceived membership or service in, or employment with, an organization as defined in R.S. 14:107.2. The forms shall also provide for other items of information needed by federal and state bureaus or departments engaged in the development of national and state statistics.
(5) To instruct such persons and agencies in the installation, maintenance, and use of incident-based records and in the manner of reporting to the system.
(6) To tabulate, analyze, and interpret the data collected.
(7) To supply data to federal bureaus or departments engaged in collecting national criminal statistics.
(8)(a) To present annually to the governor and members of the legislature, on or before May first, a printed report containing the criminal statistics of the preceding calendar year and to present at such other times as the commission may deem wise, or the governor or the chairman of the House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice or the chairman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary C may request, reports on special aspects of criminal statistics.
(b) The report shall specifically contain a category entitled "gaming related offenses" and shall include statistics involving violations of R.S. 14:60, R.S. 14:62, R.S. 14:64 through 67, R.S. 14:70, R.S. 14:71, R.S. 14:71.1, and R.S. 14:72, in which the offender's gaming activity is a motive for commission of the crime. In addition, the report shall contain under the same category violations of prohibited acts and gaming offenses, as defined in R.S. 14:90, R.S. 14:90.2, R.S. 27:98 through 101, and R.S. 27:260 and 262 through 265.
(c) A sufficient number of copies of all reports shall be printed for distribution to all public officials in the state dealing with crimes or criminals and for general distribution in the interest of public enlightenment.
(9) To make, solicit, and request proposals and offers, and to execute and effectuate agreements or contracts for the operation of any part of the system.
(10) To do all other things necessary or convenient to carry out the functions, powers, and duties set forth in this Section.
Acts 1991, No. 509, §1; Acts 1997, No. 488, §1; Acts 1997, No. 1479, §1, eff. July 15, 1997.