§574.34. State Council
A. Each member state shall create a State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision which shall be responsible for the appointment of the commissioner who shall serve on the Interstate Commission from that state. Each state council shall appoint as its commissioner the compact administrator or his designee from that state to serve on the Interstate Commission in such capacity under or pursuant to applicable law of the member state. Each member state may determine the membership of its own state council, and its membership must include at least one representative from the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government, victims groups, and compact administrators. Additionally, the compact administrator shall have the authority to appoint additional representatives to the State Council when he deems necessary. The initial legislative representative shall be appointed by the speaker of the Louisiana House of Representatives for a term of two years. Upon the expiration of the initial legislative member's term, the president of the Louisiana Senate shall appoint the next legislative member for a term of two years. Thereafter, the legislative representative shall be appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives and by the president of the Senate alternating between houses every two years.
B. Each compacting state retains the right to determine the qualifications of the compact administrator who shall be appointed by the governor. In addition to appointment of its commissioner to the National Interstate Commission, each state council shall exercise oversight and advocacy concerning its participation in Interstate Commission activities and other duties as may be determined by each member state including but not limited to development of policy concerning operations and procedures of the compact within that state.
Acts 2001, No. 606, §1.
NOTE: The provisions of this Section shall take effect and become operative if and when 35 states have enacted the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision.