§574.4.2. Decisions of Board of Parole; nature, order, and conditions of parole; rules of conduct; infectious disease testing
A.(1) The Board of Parole may make rules for the conduct of persons heretofore or hereafter granted parole. When a prisoner is released on parole, the board shall require as a condition of his parole that he refrain from engaging in criminal conduct.
(2) The board may also require, either at the time of his release on parole or at any time while he remains on parole, that he conform to any of the following conditions of parole which are appropriate to the circumstances of the particular case:
(a) Report immediately to the division of probation and parole office, Department of Public Safety and Corrections, which is listed on the face of the certificate of parole.
(b) Remain within the limits fixed by the certificate of parole. If he has good cause to leave these limits, he will obtain written permission from the parole officer and the approval of the division of probation and parole before doing so.
(c) Between the first and fifth days of each month, until his final release, and also on the final day of his parole, make a full and truthful written report upon the form provided for that purpose and that he will take or mail his report to his parole officer. He will report to the probation and parole officer when directed to do so.
(d) Avoid injurious or vicious habits and places of disreputable or harmful character.
(e) Will not associate with persons known to be engaged in criminal activities or with persons known to have been convicted of a felony, without written permission of his parole officer.
(f) In all respects conduct himself honorably, work diligently at a lawful occupation, and support his dependents, if any, to the best of his ability.
(g) Promptly and truthfully answer all inquiries directed to him by the probation and parole officer.
(h) Live and remain at liberty and refrain from engaging in any type of criminal conduct.
(i) Live and work at the places stated in his parole plan and not change residence or employment until after he has permission to do so from his parole officer.
(j) Shall not have in his possession or control any firearms or dangerous weapons.
(k) Submit himself to available medical, psychiatric, mental health, or substance abuse examination or treatment or both when deemed appropriate and ordered to do so by the probation and parole officer.
(l) Waive extradition to the state of Louisiana from any jurisdiction in or outside the United States where he may be found and also agree that he will not contest any effort by any jurisdiction to return him to the state of Louisiana.
(m) Will be subject to visits by his parole officer at his home or place of employment without prior notice.
(n) Such other specific conditions as are appropriate, stated directly and without ambiguity so as to be understandable to a reasonable man.
(o) Defray the cost, or any portion thereof, of his parole supervision by making payments to the Board of Parole in a sum and manner determined by the board, based upon his ability to pay.
(p) Perform at least one hundred hours of unpaid community service work during the period of parole supervision and, if unemployed, perform additional hours as instructed by his supervising officers.
(q) Devote himself to an approved reading program at his cost if he is unable to read the English language.
(r)(i) Agree to searches of his person, his property, his place of residence, his vehicle, or his personal effects, or any or all of them, at any time, by the probation officer or the parole officer assigned to him, with or without a warrant of arrest or with or without a search warrant, when the probation officer or the parole officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that the person who is on parole is engaged in or has been engaged in criminal activity since his release on parole.
(ii) For those persons who have been convicted of a "sex offense" as defined in R.S. 15:541, agree to searches of his person, his property, his place of residence, his vehicle, or his personal effects, or any or all of them, at any time, by a law enforcement officer, duly commissioned in the parish or municipality where the sex offender resides or is domiciled, designated by his agency to supervise sex offenders, with or without a warrant of arrest or with or without a search warrant, when the officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that the person who is on parole is engaged in or has been engaged in criminal activity for which the person has not been charged or arrested while on parole.
(3) No offender, who is the parent, stepparent, or has legal custody and physical custody of the child who is the victim, shall be released on parole unless the victim has received psychological counseling prior to the offender's release if the offender is returning to the residence or community in which the child resides. Such psychological counseling shall include an attempt by the health care provider to ease the psychological impact upon the child of the notice required by the provisions of R.S. 15:574.4.3, including assisting the child in coping with potential insensitive comments and actions by the child's neighbors and peers. The cost of such counseling shall be paid by the offender.
B. At the time these written conditions are given, the board shall notify the parolee that:
(1) If he is arrested while on parole, the board has the authority to place a detainer against him which will in effect prevent him from making bail pending any new charges against him; and
(2) Should his parole be revoked for any reason, good time earned prior to parole and good time that would have been earned if parole had not been granted will be forfeited, as required by R.S. 15:571.4.
C.(1) When a victim of the crime for which parole is being considered has suffered a direct pecuniary loss other than damage to or loss of property, the parole board may impose as a condition of parole that restitutions to the victim be made. When such a condition is imposed, the board shall take into account the defendant's ability to pay and shall not revoke parole based upon this condition unless the parolee has willfully failed to comply. When the victim's loss consists of damage to or loss of property, the board shall impose as a condition of parole payment of restitution, either in a lump sum or in monthly installments based on the earning capacity and assets of the defendant. If the victim was paid for such property loss or damage with monies from the Crime Victims Reparations Fund, the board shall order the parolee to make such payments as reimbursement to the fund in the same amount as was paid from the fund to the victim. This condition of parole shall continue until such time as the restitution is paid or the parolee is discharged from parole in accordance with R.S. 15:574.6.
(2) Nothing herein shall affect a victim's civil remedy except that funds actually received shall be credited to any civil judgment arising out of the same offense.
D. If the prisoner has not paid and is liable for any costs of court or costs of the prosecution or proceeding in which he was convicted or any fine imposed as a part of his sentence, the board of parole shall require as a condition of parole the payment of such costs or fine, either in a lump sum or according to a schedule of payments established by the board and based upon the prisoner's ability to pay.
E. Before the Board of Parole places a person on parole, the board shall determine if he has a high school diploma or its equivalent and, if he does not, the board shall condition parole upon the parolee's enrolling in and attending an adult education or reading program until he obtains a GED credential, or until he completes such educational programs required by the board, and has attained a sixth grade reading level, or until his term of parole expires, whichever occurs first. All costs shall be paid by the parolee. If the board finds that there are no adult education or reading programs in the parish in which the parolee is domiciled, the parolee is unable to afford such a program, or attendance would create an undue hardship on the parolee, the board may suspend this condition of parole. The provisions of this Subsection shall not apply to those parolees who are mentally, physically, or by reason of age, infirmity, dyslexia, or other such learning disorders, unable to participate.
F. The collection of the supervision fee imposed pursuant to Subparagraph (A)(2)(o) of this Section shall be suspended upon the transfer of an offender to another state for parole supervision in that state, pursuant to the interstate compact for out-of-state parolee supervision as provided in R.S. 15:574.31 et seq.
G.(1) Before placing a person on parole, the Board of Parole shall require that person to submit to a test designed to determine whether he is infected with a sexually transmitted disease, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), HIV-1 antibodies, or any other probable causative agent of AIDS and viral hepatitis.
(2) The procedure or test shall be performed by a qualified physician or other qualified person who shall notify the parolee of the test results.
(3) If the person tested under the provisions of this Subsection tests positive for a sexually transmitted disease, AIDS, HIV, HIV-1 antibodies, or any other probable causative agent of AIDS and viral hepatitis, he shall be referred to the appropriate health care and support services. If the person tested positive, the granting of the parole shall be conditioned upon the person seeking advice and counseling from the appropriate health care and support services. Failure to seek or follow that advice shall result in the revocation of that person's parole.
(4) The costs associated with this testing shall be paid by the person tested.
(5) The provisions of this Subsection shall not apply to inmates released because of diminution of sentence under R.S. 15:571.3.
Acts 2009, No. 299, §2, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2010, No. 241, §§1 and 2.