§104. Authority and responsibility of local boards; factors to be considered
Subject to appeal in the limited respect herein provided, each local board shall have full and final authority and responsibility for the assignment, transfer and continuance of all pupils among and within the public schools within its jurisdiction, and shall prescribe rules and regulations pertaining to those functions. Subject to review by the board as provided herein, the board may exercise this responsibility directly or may delegate its authority to the superintendent of education or other person or persons employed by the board. In the assignment, transfer or continuance of pupils among and within the schools, or within the classroom and other facilities thereof, in accordance with such rules and regulations, the following factors and the effect or results thereof shall be considered, with respect to the individual pupil, as well as other relevant matters: Available room and teaching capacity in the various schools; the availability of transportation facilities; the effect of the admission of new pupils upon established or proposed academic programs; the suitability of established curricula for particular pupils; the adequacy of the pupil's academic preparation for admission to a particular school and curriculum; the scholastic aptitude and relative intelligence or mental energy or ability of the pupil; the psychological qualification of the pupil for the type of teaching and associations involved; the effect of admission of the pupil upon the academic progress of other students in a particular school or facility thereof; the effect of admission upon prevailing academic standards at a particular school; the psychological effect upon the pupil of attendance at a particular school; the possibility or threat of friction or disorder among pupils or others; the possibility of breaches of the peace or ill will or economic retaliation within the community; the home environment of the pupil; the maintenance or severance of established social and psychological relationships with other pupils and with teachers; the choice and interests of the pupil; the morals, conduct, health and personal standards of the pupil; the request or consent of parents or guardians and the reasons assigned therefor.
Local school boards may require the assignment of pupils to any or all schools within their jurisdiction on the basis of sex, but assignments of pupils of the same sex among schools reserved for that sex shall be made in the light of the other factors herein set forth.
Acts 1960, No. 492, §1.