§1176. Grounds for rejection of application
Any applicant who, at the expiration of the semester in which he applies, is ineligible for the sabbatical leave requested or who has not complied with the provisions of R.S. 17:1172 through 17:1174, shall have his or her application rejected, but all other applicants shall have their applications granted, provided that all leaves requested in such applications could be taken without violating the following provision: At no time during the school year shall the number of persons on sabbatical leave exceed five percent of the total number of teachers employed in a given parish.
Acts 1999, No. 1342, §1.
NOTE: See Acts 1999, No. 1342, §2 relative to sabbaticals already granted and §3 relative to increases in teacher compensation.
NOTE: See also Acts 2001, No. 338, §2 relative to increases in teacher compensation (amends Acts 1999, No. 1342, §3).
NOTE: See also Acts 2004, No. 778, §2, relative to increases in teacher compensation and §3 relative to a required report by BESE (amends Acts 1999, No. 1342, §3, as amended by Acts 2001, No. 338, §2).