§16. Employment of retired teachers; guidelines and procedures
The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education by rule adopted in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act shall establish guidelines and procedures which a city or parish school board shall follow when hiring a retired teacher for the purpose of providing classroom instruction, before or after school tutoring, or other instructional activities. The guidelines and procedures shall ensure that the retired teacher is qualified and is adequately trained to provide the instruction for which the teacher is employed. The guidelines and procedures also shall encourage city and parish school boards to use funds provided by the state for reading and math programs in kindergarten and grades one through three, funds provided through the minimum foundation program, and other federal, state, and local funds to employ retired teachers for the purpose of reducing the pupil-teacher ratio within a classroom for the teaching of reading and mathematics in kindergarten and in grades one through three, and for the purpose of providing instructional support to students in need of remediation in other grade levels.
Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 10, §2, eff. July 1, 1998.