§1987. School district for certain correctional centers for youth
A.(1) A school district is hereby established to provide an appropriate education for youths who, pursuant to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction, are placed in the custody of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections and assigned by such department for confinement in any correctional center for youth that is privately operated in accordance with a cooperative endeavor or contract agreement with the state or any political subdivision.
(2) The school district shall be administered by the state Department of Education which may provide educational services by interagency agreement, contract with private or public providers, or by direct operation of a school. The educational services being provided shall meet all standards required by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for the operation of an alternative school as authorized by law.
B. This district shall be considered an intermediate educational unit, subject to the limitations of such units which shall include no authority to levy tax.
C. The state shall annually appropriate sufficient monies to fund any school in the district created in this Part in an amount equal to not less than the per pupil amount allocated pursuant to the Minimum Foundation Program formula to the city or parish school district in which each such correctional center for youth is located. The appropriation shall be made to the administering agency for the district which may be expended by the agency for the provision of educational services in the same manner as such money may be expended by intermediate educational units in providing educational services to students subject to the limitations in Paragraph A(2) of this Section.
D.(1) The provisions of Part I-A of Chapter 1 of this Title relative to benefits, privileges, and rights of certain employees in state special schools, including but not limited to provisions relative to compensation, probationary and permanent employment status, and sabbatical, sick, personal, maternity, and military leaves also shall be applicable to such employees of the school district established by this Part.
(2) At the time of implementation of the provisions of this Part, any person employed by a city or parish school board in a position to provide educational services to students confined in a state correctional center for youth which is privately operated shall be given priority, if otherwise qualified, for employment in the same or a comparable position to provide educational services to students pursuant to the provisions of this Part.
Acts 1999, No. 810, §1, eff. July 2, 1999.