§2356. Revocation of the gift
A. If the document of gift has been delivered to a named donee, it may be revoked by either:
(1) The execution and delivery to the donee or his agent of a revocation in writing signed by the donor, or
(2) An oral statement of revocation made in the presence of two persons, communicated to the donee or his agent, or
(3) A statement during a terminal illness addressed to the attending physician and communicated to the donee, or
(4) A card or writing, signed by the donor and carried on his person or in his effects, revoking the gift.
B. Any document of gift which has not been delivered to the donee may be revoked in the manner set out in Subsection (A) of this section or by destruction, cancellation, or mutilation of the document.
C. Any gift made by a will may be revoked or amended in the manner provided for revocation or amendment of wills.
D. An anatomical gift may not be amended or revoked by any person other than the donor, except that when the gift is of the entire body, the body shall be returned after removal of all the useable organs to the surviving spouse or the next of kin upon the request of either.
Acts 1968, No. 651, §1. Acts 1984, No. 196, §1.