§256. Parents as Teachers Grant Program
A. The Parents as Teachers Grant Program is hereby established as a program within the Department of Education. The statewide grant program shall be coordinated through parish and city school boards. The Department of Education, in cooperation with parish and city school boards, shall establish programs to train parents as teachers.
B. The program shall address the educational needs of targeted parents of children three years of age or less, and shall contain the following elements:
(1) The use of qualified educators who are professionally trained in child development and parenting.
(2) The provision by participating school systems of a course of instruction in child development and parenting, on a voluntary enrollment basis, to targeted parents of children from infancy through age three, especially in their homes and in appropriate community settings, in a cost-effective, accessible, and convenient manner. That course of instruction shall include all of the following:
(a) Timely and practical information and guidance on development in language, cognitive, and social skills.
(b) Instruction in the effective use of community parenting resources, including developmental and medical screening and, as needed, early intervention for children through the first three years of life, contingent on the availability of resources and the level of voluntary parental participation.
(c) Monthly visits to the home of each participating parent, as part of that course of instruction by one or more of the qualified educators administering the course.
(d) Services shall be a priority for and targeted to parents below the age of twenty.
Acts 1991, No. 548, §1.