§257. Requests for proposals
A. No later than March 1, 1992, and no later than March second of each succeeding year through 1996, the state Department of Education shall develop requests for proposals and shall solicit proposals from the parish and city school boards and from such proposals shall select participants for the grant program. The department shall select up to six participants in the first year, twelve participants in the second year, eighteen participants in the third year, and twenty-two participants in the fourth year.
B. The request for proposal shall require participants to demonstrate all of the following:
(1) Training in the Parents as Teachers Program operated by the Department of Education or by local school boards.
(2) Significant local support for the project from school system administrators and boards, parish administrators and boards, and local parent and children advocacy organizations, including, whenever possible, formal support from the parish or city school board.
(3) Racial, cultural, geographic, and economic diversity in the targeted population.
Acts 1991, No. 548, §1.