§2753. Louisiana Systemic Initiatives Program
A.(1) The state shall, consistent with its agreement with the National Science Foundation, undertake a program to improve mathematics and science education.
(2) The program shall consist of activities designed to improve mathematics and science education by addressing the following areas:
(a) Teacher preparation.
(b) Professional development for teachers.
(c) Teacher certification.
(d) Curricula and curricular materials and assessment.
(e) Educational technology.
(f) Community partnerships.
(g) Evaluation.
(h) Information dissemination.
(i) Equity and diversity issues.
B.(1) A regional partnership program shall be implemented to:
(a) Diffuse professional development reforms throughout the region.
(b) Help shape and implement the mathematics and science programs of the regional service centers.
(c) Help organize and promote community partnership programs.
(d) Help assess and expand local use of educational technology.
(e) Provide insights to the LaSIP staff.
(f) Serve as an information and data collection center for LaSIP.
(g) Help evaluate the local effectiveness of the LaSIP reform effort.
(h) Cooperate with regional service centers to design partnerships which will implement the initiatives of LaSIP within each region.
(i) Encourage the efforts of mathematicians, scientists, engineers, school and college personnel, parents, and civic groups to promote public awareness of mathematics and science reform, facilitate cooperation among colleges and school systems, coordinate teacher preparation and professional development training activities, and provide school systems with a cadre of interested and informed professionals.
(2) LaSIP shall provide technical assistance to each region to help develop collaborative relationships with Chapter I, Title II, Goals 2000, Rural Systemic Initiatives, Urban Systemic Initiatives, Learn to Serve, School-to-Work, and other state and federally funded programs.
Acts 1992, No. 328, §1, eff. June 17, 1992; Acts 1995, No. 275, §1, eff. June 14, 1995.