§3025. Legal services; in-house counsel
A. Pursuant to the provisions of R.S. 42:261(K), the Louisiana Student Financial Assistance Commission may retain and employ counsel for the following purposes:
(1) To interpret federal statutes and regulations governing the guaranteed student loan program pursuant to Title IV of the Federal Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.
(2) To draft and review commission policies, regulations, and forms used in the administration of the guaranteed student loan program.
(3) To file proof of claim on petitions for relief filed pursuant to the bankruptcy provisions of Title 11, U.S.C. Chapters 7 and 13 by persons holding guaranteed student loans.
(4) To classify bankruptcies with respect to collectability in accordance with federal guidelines.
(5) To represent the commission in courtroom bankruptcy proceedings and file complaints when repayment terms are unsatisfactory.
(6) To draft contracts authorized by R.S. 17:3023.
(7) To research legal questions and seek the opinion of the attorney general as necessary.
(8) To research and draft proposed changes to state statutes as mandated by the commission or by changes in federal statutes or regulations.
(9) To render such other services as are consistent with the duties of counsel as approved by the attorney general.
B. In all other legal matters the commission shall be represented by the attorney general in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 42:261.
C. The compensation of the counsel retained and employed pursuant to this Section shall be fixed and paid by the commission with the approval of the governor.
Acts 1987, No. 267, §1.