§3051. Statement of purpose and function
In order to promote the medical and/or health educational activities of various public and private institutions and organizations in the state of Louisiana and to promote health and welfare of its citizens through encouraging and assisting in the provision of medical care and prompt and efficient health and health related services at reasonable cost by public and private institutions and organizations in modern, well-equipped facilities, and to strive to achieve superlative standards of attainment in health care and education that will place Louisiana in the position of regional, national, and international leadership in those fields, it is hereby declared to be in the public interest that the Health Education Authority of Louisiana be created within the Department of Health and Hospitals. The purposes and functions of the authority are:
(1) To operate, in accordance with a master plan, a cooperative and coordinated multi-institutional complex that will serve to attract, encourage and assist public and private institutions and organizations that are dedicated to exemplary patient care, health science education and biomedical research, as well as organizations providing facilities and/or services deemed appropriate by the authority, to locate and/or operate in a functional geographic relationship with said complex.
(2) To aid in the development of health care and education programs by the primary and participating institutions and to assist in the coordination of planning and in implementing the attainment of the objectives of such institutions.
(3) To acquire or assist in the acquisition of land and the planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement and development of facilities in the complex and primary service area for the use of the primary and participating institutions, and the development, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement and operation of jointly usable facilities for such institutions, and
(4) To assist in or provide for the financing of any of the above and foregoing activities or facilities in the manner hereinafter authorized.
Added by Acts 1968, No. 112, §1, emerg. eff. July 17, 1968, at 11:40 A.M. Amended by Acts 1975, Ex.Sess., No. 24, §1, eff. Jan. 28, 1975; Acts 1977, No. 725, §1; Acts 1978, No. 439, §1.