§3093. Louisiana Tuition Trust Authority; creation; powers
A. There is hereby created the Louisiana Tuition Trust Authority, which shall have the powers enumerated in this Chapter.
B.(1) The Louisiana Tuition Trust Authority shall consist of the Louisiana Student Financial Assistance Commission, except as modified by Paragraph (2) of this Subsection, and hereinafter shall be referred to as the authority. The authority shall operate under the same laws, rules, and guidelines and with the same officer selection and employment policies as the commission, except when inconsistent with this Chapter.
(2) The membership of the authority shall consist of the following persons:
(a) The members of the Louisiana Student Financial Assistance Commission exclusive of the two persons appointed by the governor from names submitted by the Louisiana Bankers' Association.
(b) An officer of a bank in Louisiana who is a member of the Louisiana Bankers' Association and who is nominated by the association and appointed by the governor.
(c) One member of the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker and one member of the Senate appointed by the president.
(d) The state treasurer who shall be an ex officio voting member of the authority.
(3) The authority shall meet at least annually at the call of the chairman and at such other times as the chairman or the authority determines necessary. The authority may establish and delegate to an executive committee such duties and responsibilities as the authority determines appropriate, except that the authority may not delegate to the executive committee the final determination of the rate of interest to be paid on education savings accounts of record at the close of the calendar year. Upon such delegation, the executive committee shall have the authority to act pursuant to such delegation without further approval or action by the authority.
(4) A majority of the authority shall constitute a quorum of the authority, and the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present shall be necessary for any action taken by the authority. A majority of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum of the executive committee, and the affirmative vote of a majority of the executive committee members present shall be necessary for any action taken by the executive committee. No vacancy in the membership of the authority or the executive committee shall impair the rights of a quorum to exercise all rights and perform all duties of the authority or the executive committee respectively.
C. In addition to any other powers conferred by this Chapter, the authority may do any of the following:
(1) Purchase insurance from insurers licensed to do business in this state providing for coverage against any loss in connection with the authority's property, assets, or activities or to further ensure the value of education savings accounts.
(2) Indemnify or purchase policies on behalf of members, officers, and employees of the authority from insurers licensed to do business in this state providing for coverage for any liability incurred in connection with any civil action, demand, or claim against a director, officer, or employee by reason of an act or omission by the director, officer, or employee that was not manifestly outside the scope of his employment or official duties or with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner.
(3) Make, execute, and deliver contracts, conveyances, and other instruments necessary to the exercise and discharge of the powers and duties of the authority.
(4) Promote, advertise, and publicize the Louisiana Student Tuition Assistance and Revenue Trust Program.
(5) Enter into agreements with any agency of the state or its political subdivisions or with private employers under which an employee may agree to have a designated amount deducted in each payroll period from the wages or salary due him for the purpose of depositing said funds in the education savings account established by the employee.
(6) Solicit, accept, and expend gifts or grants.
D.(1) The authority shall, by adoption of rules pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, provide for the following:
(a) The establishment and imposition of reasonable residency requirements for beneficiaries of those applying to establish an education savings account.
(b) The establishment and imposition of reasonable limits on the number of education savings account participants.
(c) The establishment and imposition of limits on the amount which may accrue in an account on behalf of any beneficiary.
(d) The establishment and imposition of restrictions on the substitution of one beneficiary for another.
(e) The establishment and imposition of restrictions on the transfer of ownership of education savings accounts.
(f) The determination of the rate of interest to be paid on education savings accounts of record at the close of a calendar year, provided that such rate is not a negative rate and is approved by the state treasurer.
(g) The disposition of abandoned accounts in compliance with state law.
(h) The establishment and imposition of restrictions on investment of deposits in an education savings account and the interest earned thereon.
(i) A procedure for the authority to identify qualified students for designation as beneficiary when authorized to make such a designation by an account owner meeting the classification requirements of R.S. 17:3096(A)(1)(e).
(2) The authority may, but only by adoption of rules pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, provide for any of the following:
(a) The establishment, imposition, and collection of necessary and proper fees in connection with service provided or cost incurred in the implementation or administration of this Chapter.
(b) Such other rules as are necessary and proper for the implementation and administration of this Chapter.
Acts 1995, No. 547, §1, eff. June 18, 1995; Acts 1997, No. 1416, §1, eff. July 15, 1997; Acts 2001, No. 332, §1, eff. June 6, 2001; Acts 2003, No. 221, §2, eff. June 5, 2003; Acts 2004, No. 201, §1, eff. July 1, 2004.