§31. State Advisory Commission on Teacher Education and Certification
A.(1) There is hereby created the State Advisory Commission on Teacher Education and Certification, hereafter referred to as the "commission", to consist of thirteen members, who shall be appointed as provided in this Section, and the director of the division of teacher standards, assessment and certification in the state Department of Education who shall serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member and act as liaison between the commission and the state Department of Education. Nine of the members shall be employed by a city, parish, or other local public school system or by the state school system; one member shall be a member of the faculty of a college of education in this state; one member shall represent the Board of Regents; and two members shall represent the Blue Ribbon Commission on Teacher Quality or its successor. None of the members serving on the board shall be employed by the same school system.
(2) Members shall be appointed by the state superintendent of education with the advice and consent of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, hereinafter referred to as the "board", as follows:
(a) Of the nine members who are employed by a school system:
(i) One shall be certified in administration and supervision and employed as a principal or assistant principal and be appointed from a list of principals and assistant principals nominated by the Louisiana Association of Principals.
(ii) One shall be certified in administration and supervision and employed as a supervisor and be appointed from a list of supervisors nominated by the Louisiana Association of School Executives.
(iii) One shall be certified in administration and supervision and employed as a superintendent and be appointed from a list of superintendents nominated by the Louisiana Association of School Superintendents.
(iv) Six shall be certified, employed, and actively engaged as full-time practicing classroom teachers.
(b) Of the six classroom teachers:
(i) Two, one elementary school teacher and one middle or high school teacher, shall be appointed from a list of teachers nominated by the Louisiana Association of Educators.
(ii) Two, one elementary school teacher and one middle or high school teacher, shall be appointed from a list of teachers nominated by the Louisiana Federation of Teachers.
(iii) One shall be appointed from a list of teachers nominated by the Association of Professional Educators.
(iv) One teacher shall be appointed from a list of teachers nominated by the J. K. Haynes Foundation.
(c) One member who shall be a member of a faculty of a college of education in this state shall be appointed from a list of such faculty members nominated by the Louisiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
(d) One member who shall represent the Board of Regents to be appointed by the commissioner of higher education.
(e) Two members who shall represent the Blue Ribbon Commission on Teacher Quality or its successor, to be appointed by its chairperson.
B. To be appointed and serve, all persons shall have the following qualifications:
(1) A minimum of five years of employment in this state in the employment position the person is appointed to represent as well as current employment in such position.
(2) If employed in a public school system, hold a regular teaching certificate of the highest classification issued pursuant to board regulation.
(3) Have subscribed to an oath of office, prior to beginning service.
C. A member shall be removed from the commission and his seat declared vacant if:
(1) The member resides out of this state.
(2) The member fails to remain actively employed in the employment position he was appointed to represent.
(3) The member is absent from two consecutive meetings of the commission, unless such absences are excused by the commission.
D. Vacancies shall be filled in the manner prescribed for regular appointments for the remainder of the unexpired term. A person appointed to fill a vacancy shall assume office at the next meeting of the commission after his appointment.
Acts 1986, No. 873, §1; Acts 1993, No. 528, §1; Acts 2003, No. 302, §1, eff. June 13, 2003.
NOTE: SEE ACTS 1993, NO. 528, §2.