§3453. Executive Board of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium for Research and Education; creation; membership; terms of office; vacancies; compensation; organization; duties
A. There is hereby created the Executive Board of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium for Research and Education within the Department of Education as provided by R.S. 36:651(M) and 801.4. The executive board shall administer the affairs of the consortium. The executive board shall report to and be responsible to the Board of Regents on all fiscal and programmatic matters. The executive board shall appoint an executive director of the consortium who shall report to the board. The executive board shall meet not less often than twice annually.
B. The Executive Board of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium for Research and Education shall be composed of the chancellor and one vice chancellor, chosen by the chancellor, of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in Baton Rouge, the president and one vice president, chosen by the president, of Nicholls State University, and the president and one vice president, chosen by the president, of the University of Southwestern Louisiana.
C. The executive board shall be domiciled in East Baton Rouge Parish.
D. Each member of the executive board shall serve without compensation except for reimbursement of all necessary travel expenses incurred in the performance of official duties of the council, such expenses to be paid in conformity with regulations governing state officials.
E.(1) The executive board shall be chaired, for a one-year term, by one of the institutional chief executive officers. The remaining two chief executive officers shall be first vice chair and second vice chair respectively. At the end of each term the first vice chair shall become the chair, the second vice chair shall become the first vice chair, and the chair shall become the second vice chair.
(2) The initial positions of the chief executive officers shall be chosen by random drawing.
F. The executive board of the consortium shall establish an advisory council composed of representatives from the three institutions with members on the executive board, representatives from the private sector and public and private agencies that use the consortium's facilities. The advisory board shall include not less than one representative of each public institution of higher education offering a four-year curriculum toward a baccalaureate degree in science and engineering and one representative from the board of directors of the Louisiana Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. The advisory board shall meet as necessary to respond to requests of the executive board for advice and information as well as to provide the executive board with the benefit of perspectives represented on the council.
Added by Acts 1979, No. 557, §1; Amended by Acts 1988, No. 434, §1; Acts 1995, No. 1243, §1, eff. June 29, 1995.