§348. Louisiana State School for the Deaf; Louisiana School for the Visually Impaired; Louisiana Special Education Center; year-round operation; continuing service
A. The Louisiana State School for the Deaf, the Louisiana School for the Visually Impaired, the Louisiana Special Education Center, and the Cerebral Palsy Center at Monroe may convert to year-round operation under the provisions of this Subpart, subject to the approval of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and subject to the availability of funds.
B. Special educational services at the Louisiana Special Education Center and the Cerebral Palsy Center may be continued to be provided until the thirty-second birthday for individuals with severe physically handicapping conditions who are receiving work skill training and who have not reached employable proficiency by their twenty-second birthday, subject to the approval of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and subject to the availability of funds.
C. Services at the Louisiana Special Education Center in Alexandria shall continue to be provided to each individual with severe physically handicapping conditions who was originally enrolled in the school when it was called the Louisiana School for Spastic Children, who remained continuously enrolled in the school through the change of the school from the Louisiana School for Spastic Children to the Louisiana Special Education Center, who has remained continuously enrolled in the school since that time, and who is enrolled at the Louisiana Special Education Center on May 1st, 1985 until the individual voluntarily withdraws from the school, is withdrawn from the school by his legal guardian, or until his death. The provisions of this Subsection shall be implemented only when, as a result of the review of the Individual Education Plan by the regional review committee, it is determined to be in the student's best interest.
D.(1) In administering the Louisiana State School for the Deaf, the department shall adopt an admission policy which permits day or residential enrollment, when resources are sufficient, of children with hearing handicaps who may be able to take advantage of the regular educational facilities provided in the community and thus considered unqualified for admission pursuant to R.S. 17:1946(B)(2). In doing so, the Louisiana State School for the Deaf, with the approval of the State Department of Education, shall establish an annual deadline by which shall be completed the enrollment of children qualified pursuant to R.S. 17:1946(B)(2) for admission to the Louisiana State School for the Deaf. After the deadline, the Louisiana State School for the Deaf may enroll other children with hearing handicaps at the request of their parents, guardians, appointed custodians, and/or other legal surrogates if the Louisiana State School for the Deaf determines there are sufficient resources to meet their needs as well as the needs of children enrolled after the deadline on an emergency basis.
(2) The department with the advice of the Louisiana State School for the Deaf shall adopt any rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of this Subsection. The rules and regulations may include rules and regulations establishing the respective responsibilities of the student's parent or legal guardian, the state agency, the school district and the Louisiana State School for the Deaf for students referred or admitted under this Subsection. These rules and regulations shall recognize that a deaf child's education shall be based on the child's unique needs, including language, social, emotional, and academic needs. These rules and regulations shall spell out a requirement to inform parents or legal guardians of all options in the continuum of placements that will appropriately meet the deaf child's unique educational needs.
E. The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to assist the office of special education in the enrollment of children with hearing handicaps in the Louisiana State School for the Deaf pursuant to R.S. 17:348(D).
Added by Acts 1979, No. 584, §1. Amended by Acts 1980, No. 441, §1; Acts 1985, No. 924, §1, eff. July 23, 1985; Acts 1992, No. 911, §2; Acts 2000, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 15, §1, eff. April 14, 2000.