§374. Quality Science and Mathematics Council; creation; membership; terms; vacancies; domicile; meetings; compensation
A.(1) There is hereby established the Quality Science and Mathematics Council, referred to in this Part as the "council", to administer and provide for the Quality Science and Mathematics Program.
(2) The council shall be comprised of one member of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education selected by the board, the assistant directors of science and mathematics education for the Louisiana Systemic Initiatives Program, two members from the state Department of Education appointed by the superintendent of education, and two members of each of the following organizations chosen by the organization:
(a) Louisiana Science Teachers Association.
(b) Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics.
(c) Louisiana Science Supervisors Organization.
(d) Louisiana Council of Supervisors of Mathematics.
(e) Louisiana Principals Association.
(f) Louisiana School Boards Association.
(g) The Board of Directors for the Louisiana School of Math, Science, and the Arts.
B. The members of the council shall serve one-year terms and may be reappointed. A member may be removed by the council only for cause found after a hearing. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by the organization represented by the member who created the vacancy.
C. The council shall be domiciled in Baton Rouge. It shall meet at least quarterly, but may meet more often upon the call of the chair, who shall call a meeting upon the request of a majority of the members. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business. No official action may be taken without the affirmative approval of at least a majority of a quorum at a meeting called for the consideration of such business. The council shall annually elect a chair and may elect such other officers as the council determines are necessary for the efficient conduct of its business.
D. The members of the council shall serve without compensation, except for reimbursement of actual expenses incurred for the official business of the council in conformity with state law for the travel of state employees.
E. The council may employ an executive director who shall be an unclassified employee in the state civil service and such classified employees as are necessary to efficiently conduct the business of the council and pursue the purposes of this program.
Acts 1992, No. 1093, §1.