§3882. Definitions
For the purposes of this Part, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) "Administrator" means any person whose employment requires professional certification issued under the rules of the board or who is employed in a professional capacity other than a teacher.
(2) "Assessment" means the process by which the state determines whether a teacher who is seeking to retain or acquire a regular teacher certificate can sufficiently demonstrate the components of effective teaching to qualify for the teaching credential being sought.
(3) "Components of effective teaching" means the elements of teaching performance defined by the board, upon the advice of a panel of persons representing educators and others involved in education, to be critical to providing effective classroom instruction. As used in the assessment and evaluation programs, the term includes any elements of the components being rated.
(4) "Evaluation" means the process by which a local board monitors the continuing performance of its teachers and administrators.
(5) "Evaluation period" means the period of time during each school year during which the evaluation program provided in Subpart C of this Part will be conducted.
(6)(a) For the purposes of the teacher assistance and assessment program, "teacher" means any full-time employee of a local board who is engaged to directly and regularly provide instruction to students in any elementary, secondary, or special education school setting who is not an administrator, who is so employed for the first time in a school in this state after August 1, 1994, and who either holds a regular teaching certificate which when issued was valid for three years or who is authorized under law or board regulation to teach temporarily while seeking a regular teaching certificate. For the purposes of the teacher assistance and assessment program, "teacher" shall not include any experienced teacher moving to Louisiana from another state who provides appropriate evaluation results from his immediate previous teaching assignment.
(b) For the purposes of the personnel evaluation program, "teacher" means any person employed as a full-time employee of a local board who is engaged to directly and regularly provide instruction to students in any elementary, secondary, or special education school setting, including a librarian, an assessment teacher, a speech therapist, and a counselor, who is not an administrator, who has successfully completed the teacher assistance and assessment program, as required in Subpart B of this Part, or who is not required to participate in the teacher assistance and assessment program.
Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, §2, eff. June 22, 1994; Acts 1995, No. 60, §1, eff. June 12, 1995; Acts 1997, No. 838, §1, eff. Aug. 1, 1998.