§3891. Applicability
A.(1) Beginning August 1, 1994, the Teacher Assessment Program is established and successful completion of the program is required for all teachers entering service for the first time in the public schools of this state after August 1, 1994, to retain or acquire a regular teaching certificate as provided in R.S. 17:3896, as R.S.17:3896 existed prior to August 1, 1998. Beginning August 1, 1998, any teacher with teaching experience in another state who enters service for the first time in the public schools of this state and provides appropriate evaluation results from such teacher's immediate previous teaching assignment shall be exempted from the provisions of this Subpart.
(2) Beginning August 1, 1998, the Teacher Assessment Program shall be known as the Teacher Assistance and Assessment Program.
B. Prior to undertaking any active participation in the assistance and assessment program each teacher shall:
(1) Receive orientation to the program.
(2) Receive an orientation manual, which shall describe the goals of the program, the elements and procedures of the program including what will occur and an approximate schedule, the responsibilities of everyone involved in the program, and the rights of the teacher.
C. During the assistance period, each teacher shall be provided with professional development opportunities and assistance designed to enhance teaching competencies.
D. During the assessment period, each participating teacher's qualifications for certification shall be assessed in accordance with the Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching and such other criteria as established by the board.
Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, §2, eff. June 22, 1994; Acts 1997, No. 838, §1, eff. Aug. 1, 1998.