§3902. Evaluation program; process
A.(1) Not less often than once every three years, every teacher and administrator who has been employed as such for more than three years shall be formally evaluated by the local board pursuant to this Subpart.
(2) The performance of a teacher or an administrator who has been employed as such for three years or less shall be formally evaluated annually.
(3) In every school year when the performance of a teacher or administrator is not formally evaluated, the local board shall evaluate such employee informally.
B. The elements of evaluation are:
(1) A job description. The local board shall establish a job description for every category of teacher and administrator pursuant to its evaluation plan. Such job descriptions shall contain the elements on which the teacher or administrator will be evaluated. Each teacher or administrator shall be provided with his job description prior to the beginning of his first employment in the school system in his position and each time the job description is revised. The teacher or administrator shall acknowledge receipt of the job description by signing a copy thereof.
(2) A professional growth plan. A professional growth plan shall be developed by each teacher and administrator, collaboratively with his evaluator, during the beginning of each evaluation period. Each such plan shall include a statement of the professional development objectives of the teacher or administrator as well as the strategies the teacher or administrator intends to employ toward the realization of each objective.
(3) Self-evaluation. Each teacher and administrator shall, throughout the evaluation period, conduct a personal review of his performance, assessing strengths and weaknesses and assessing his progress toward the realization of the objectives in his professional growth plan.
(4) Observation and conferencing. The evaluator of each teacher or administrator shall conduct a preobservation conference during which the teacher or administrator shall provide the evaluator with relevant information. A teacher shall provide information concerning the planning of the lesson to be observed as well as any other information the teacher considers pertinent. The observation shall occur at a time and place established in advance, shall be of sufficient duration to provide meaningful data which, in the case of a teacher, shall be not less than the duration of one complete lesson. In the case of a teacher, the observation shall be conducted using the components of effective teaching, as well as any additional local board criteria included in the job description. In the case of an administrator, the observation may consist of the collection of prescribed performance documentation and shall be conducted using applicable components of effective teaching, elements prescribed by board rule and any additional local board criteria included in the job description. A postobservation conference shall be conducted to discuss commendation and recommendations.
(5) Classroom visitation. The evaluator may, on his own initiative or upon the request of a teacher or administrator he has evaluated, periodically visit the teacher or administrator to monitor progress toward achievement of professional growth plan objectives and provide support or assistance.
C.(1) Formal evaluation shall consist of observation and conferencing in addition to the other elements of evaluation.
(2) Informal evaluation shall consist of all elements except observation and conferencing.
D.(1) At the conclusion of each year's evaluation, the evaluator shall determine whether the teacher or administrator is satisfactory or unsatisfactory pursuant to the local board's evaluation plan. Such determination shall be transmitted to the local board.
(2)(a) Any teacher or administrator who fails to meet the local board's standard of performance shall be placed in an intensive assistance program and shall be formally re-evaluated. A teacher or administrator shall be informed in writing of placement in an intensive assistance program and provided in writing with the reasons for such placement.
(b) Each intensive assistance program shall be individually designed collaboratively with the evaluator and the teacher or administrator and shall include at a minimum:
(i) Specific steps that should be taken to improve.
(ii) The assistance, support, and resources that are to be provided by the local board.
(iii) An expected timeline for achieving the objectives and the procedures for monitoring progress including observations and conferences. The timeline shall not exceed two years.
(iv) The action that will be taken if improvement is not demonstrated.
(v) If the intensive assistance program required pursuant to this Paragraph is not completed in conformity with its provisions or if the teacher or administrator still performs unsatisfactorily after a formal evaluation conducted immediately upon completion of the program, then the local board shall initiate termination proceedings pursuant to Part II of Chapter 2 of this Title within six months following such unsatisfactory performance.
E. Nothing contained in this Section shall diminish the right of the local board to evaluate employees or to make employment decisions or of principals and other employees with supervisory responsibilities to observe the employees they supervise.
Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, §2, eff. June 22, 1994.