§440. School employees; prohibition on use of social security numbers as personal identifiers
A. For the purposes of this Section:
(1) "School board" shall include any city, parish, or other local public school board and the governing authority of any nonpublic school.
(2) "Teacher or school employee" shall include teachers and school employees employed by a school board.
B. Except as required by any applicable state or federal law, rule, or regulation or policy of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, no school board shall use the social security number of a teacher or school employee as a means of identification for such teacher or school employee.
C. No teacher or school employee in the course of his employment shall be required to include or provide his social security number on any form or other written document unless:
(1) A social security number is required by any applicable state or federal law, rule, or regulation or policy of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education; or
(2) The form or written document is required for employment, retirement, application for leave, or an individualized education plan.
D. No school board and no school official or employee shall provide access to any form or document on which the social security number of a teacher or school employee appears to any person other than the following:
(1) Any official or employee of the school at which the teacher or school employee works, of the employing school board, of the state Department of Education, or of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, when such access is necessary for the performance of the duties and responsibilities of the official or employee.
(2) Any person authorized to have such access by the teacher or school employee.
Acts 2001, No. 798, §1.