§45. Probation and tenure of teachers in special schools
A. As used in this Subpart, the word "teacher" means any certified employee in a special school who holds a teacher's certificate and whose legal employment requires certification under the regulations of the board or of any certification authority established by law. A teacher shall be entitled to tenure benefits as follows:
(1)(a) Each teacher shall serve a probationary term of three contract years to be computed from the date of his first appointment in the special school in which the teacher is serving his probation. During the probationary term, the board may dismiss or discharge any probationary teacher upon the written recommendation of the superintendent or other head or director of the special school accompanied by valid reasons therefor.
(b) Any teacher found unsatisfactory by the board, at the expiration of the probationary term, shall be notified in writing by the board that he has been discharged or dismissed; in the absence of such notification, such probationary teacher shall automatically become a regular and permanent teacher in the employ of the special school where he has successfully served his three year probationary term; all teachers in the employ of a special school as of September 1, 1979, who hold proper certificates and who have served satisfactorily as teachers in the special school where employed for more than three consecutive years, are declared to be regular and permanent teachers in the employ of the special school.
(2)(a) A permanent teacher in a special school shall not be removed from office except upon written and signed charges of wilful neglect of duty, or incompetency, or dishonesty, and then only if found guilty after a hearing by the board or by a committee of the board, which hearing may be public or private at the option of the teacher. At least fifteen days in advance of the date of the hearing, the board shall furnish the teacher with a copy of the written charges, the teacher shall have the right to appear before the board, or committee of the board, with witnesses in his behalf and with counsel of his selection, all of whom shall be heard by the board or committee of the board at the hearing. Any finding of a committee of the board shall be reviewed and acted upon by the full board. The board may set aside or modify the findings of a committee of the board. Nothing herein contained shall impair the right of appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction.
(b) If a permanent teacher is found guilty by the board, after due and legal hearing as provided herein, on charges of wilful neglect of duty, or of incompetency; or of dishonesty and ordered removed from office, or disciplined by the board, the teacher may, not more than one year after the date of such finding by the entire board, petition a court of competent jurisdiction for a full hearing to review the action of the board, and the court shall have jurisdiction to affirm or reverse the action of the board in the matter. If the finding of the board is reversed by the court and the teacher is ordered reinstated and restored to duty, the teacher shall be entitled to full pay for any loss of time or salary he may have sustained by reason of the action of the board.
(3)(a) Whenever a teacher who has acquired permanent status, as set forth in this Section, in a special school is promoted from a position of lower salary or status in such special school to a position of higher status or salary, such teacher shall serve a probationary period of three years in the higher position before acquiring permanent status therein, but shall retain the permanent status acquired in the position of lower status or salary from which he or she was promoted.
(b) During the probationary period in the position to which promoted, a teacher shall not be disciplined, removed, or demoted to the lower position from which he was promoted except in compliance with the provisions of Subsection A(1) of this Section. At the expiration of the probationary period in the higher position, a teacher, unless removed or demoted in accordance with Subsection A(1) of this Section, shall automatically acquire permanent status in the higher position and thereafter may not be disciplined, removed, or demoted from such higher position in compliance with the provisions of Subsection A(2) of this Section.
(c) Where a teacher has not completed the probationary period for teachers as required by Subsection A(1) of this Section, or for a particular promotional position as established herein, and is promoted to a higher position, the probationary period, either as a teacher or in the previous promotional position shall continue to run and at the end of such three year probationary period the teacher shall automatically acquire permanent status in the previously held position until permanent status in the new position is acquired by compliance with the provisions of this Section.
(4) The provisions of Paragraph (3) of this Subsection shall apply only to those whose promotion to a position of higher salary or status, as provided in Paragraph (3), occurred prior to July 1, 2003.
B.(1) Whenever a teacher who has acquired permanent status in a special school, as provided in this Section, is promoted from a position of lower salary or status to one of higher salary or status, such teacher shall not gain permanent status in the position to which he is promoted but shall retain permanent status acquired as a teacher.
(2) Where a teacher has not completed the probationary period for teachers as required by Paragraph (A)(1) of this Section and is promoted to a position of higher salary or status, the probationary period as a teacher shall continue to run, and at the end of such three- year probationary period, the teacher shall automatically acquire permanent status in the previously held position of teacher.
(3) A person who is employed to take a position of higher salary or status than that of a teacher in the system and the employment in the position of higher salary requires a teaching certificate or any appropriate administrative/supervisory endorsement, or both, shall automatically acquire permanent status in the position of teacher after the successful completion of three years of service in the position for which he was hired or in such position and one or more other such positions provided the person is qualified to teach.
(4) Except as otherwise provided in this Paragraph, any person promoted to a higher position as provided in this Section shall possess a standard Louisiana teaching certificate as well as appropriate administrative/supervisory endorsement when a teaching certificate is a qualification requirement for the position to which the person is being promoted. Any person holding a provisional teaching certificate shall not be promoted to a higher position, except when a person meeting the requirements of this Paragraph is not available for employment within the special school subject to all other requirements as provided by law.
C. Nothing contained in the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 shall be construed as conferring upon the board the authority to make rules and regulations which may impair or nullify the provisions of this Subpart and Section.
Added by Acts 1979, No. 260, §1; Acts 2003, No. 92, §1, eff. July 1, 2003.