§6. General powers of board
A. In the exercise of its supervision and control over the public elementary and secondary schools and special schools under its jurisdiction, and in the exercise of its budgetary responsibility for all funds appropriated or allocated by the state for public elementary and secondary schools and special schools placed under its jurisdiction, the board shall have authority to:
(1) Sue and be sued, including the right to recover all debts owing to the board or to or on behalf of any school under its supervision and control.
(2) Accept donations, bequests, or other forms of financial assistance for educational purposes from any public or private person or agency and comply with rules and regulations governing grants from the federal government or from any other person or agency, which are not in contravention of the constitution and laws.
(3) Borrow money and issue notes, bonds, or certificates of indebtedness for the same and pledge fees, rents, and other available revenues to guarantee the payment thereof, in accordance with law and with approval of the State Bond Commission.
(4) Purchase land and purchase or contract for the construction of buildings necessary for the use of the special schools under its jurisdiction, subject to approval of the commissioner of administration, in accordance with applicable laws.
(5) Purchase equipment and make improvements to facilities necessary for the use of the special schools under its jurisdiction, in accordance with applicable laws.
(6) Lease land or other property belonging to it or to any special school under its jurisdiction, subject to approval of the commissioner of administration and in accordance with law.
(7) Sell or exchange land or other real property not needed for special school purposes, but only when specifically authorized by law and then only in accordance with the procedures provided in R.S. 41:892 for the sale of unused school lands. The sale shall be authorized by a resolution adopted by the board, and the act of sale shall be signed by the president of the board or such other person to whom the signing may be delegated by the board in the authorizing resolution.
(8) Repealed by Acts 1976, No. 455, §2.
(9) Pay, out of state funds, the necessary expenses of specialists and other persons appointed or designated to serve on advisory committees established by the board or otherwise, for the purpose of assisting the board in the performance of its policy making functions, but the amount of state funds so expended in any year shall not exceed the amount specifically appropriated by the legislature for the purpose for that year. Expenditures from state funds for these expenses shall be made only in accordance with the rules and regulations of the division of administration governing expenditures for travel and other necessary expenses incurred by state employees. This Paragraph shall not be construed to affect the appointment or the payment of per diem and expenses of committees or councils funded in whole or in part by federal funds.
(10) Adopt, amend, or repeal rules, regulations, and policies necessary or proper for the conduct of the business of the board.
(11) Award certificates and issue diplomas for successful completion of programs of study. All certificates and diplomas shall be prepared by the State Department of Education and shall bear the signature of the president of the board and of the state superintendent of education for public elementary and secondary education.
(12) Enter into contracts and agreements which have been recommended by the state superintendent for public elementary and secondary education, in accordance with applicable law, and to the extent that funds are specifically appropriated therefor, with other public agencies with respect to cooperative enterprises and undertakings related to or associated with an educational purpose or program affecting education in the public schools under its jurisdiction. This shall not preclude the board from entering into other such contracts and agreements that it may deem necessary to carry out its duties and functions.
(13) Enter into contracts and agreements which have been recommended by the state superintendent for public elementary and secondary education, in accordance with applicable law, and to the extent that funds are specifically appropriated therefor, with private agencies with respect to cooperative enterprises and undertakings related to or associated with an educational purpose or program affecting education in the public schools under its jurisdiction.
(14)(a) Require from parish and city superintendents of schools, through the state superintendent for public elementary and secondary education, and from the state superintendent for public elementary and secondary education, such reports as it deems necessary or desirable relating to those phases of education under the jurisdiction of the board.
(b) The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall formulate, develop, adopt, and, by not later than the 1991-1992 school year, implement a paperwork reduction and simplification plan. The plan shall be formulated, developed, and adopted by not later than the end of the 1989-1990 school year and shall be piloted statewide by not later than the 1990-1991 school year. The plan shall be designed to eliminate and otherwise consolidate paperwork through the use of electronic data collection and processing and to simplify and reduce the number and length of written reports, statistics, and any other information required of, by, or through the state board or the state Department of Education from school boards, school administrative personnel, school employees, and any other school system or entity under the jurisdiction of the board. In formulating and developing the required plan, the state board shall provide for the input and participation of all affected suppliers of data. Any paperwork reduction and simplification plan adopted by the board shall be based on a complete identification of all requirements relative to maintaining records and completing and filing reports mandated by law, regulation, or requirement of a state department, state agency, or local school board to be rendered to the state, including but not limited to any forms, reports, or records, relative to school approval or evaluation, pupil attendance, pupil health and pupil health testing, transportation of pupils, federally funded educational programs including school lunch and breakfast programs, school textbooks and supplies, library books, pupil appraisal, pupil progress, transfer of pupils, teacher certification, teacher continuing education programs, unemployment, annual school data, and any other required education-related data. The paperwork reduction and simplification plan adopted by the board also shall provide, to the greatest extent possible, for the coordination of reporting dates and for use of electronic data processing for the compiling, transmitting, and storing of data, and for monitoring of plan implementation. No school employee shall be required by any city, parish, or other local public school board, the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, or the state Department of Education to complete paperwork if the information provided for in such paperwork is reasonably and readily available from another source.
(15) Perform such other functions as are necessary to the supervision and control of those phases of education under its supervision and control.
B. The board shall delegate to the superintendent such of its powers and duties as it deems appropriate to aid the superintendent in the efficient administration of his responsibility for the implementation of the policies of the board.
Acts 1975, No. 274, §1. Amended by Acts 1976, No. 455, §1; Acts 1988, No. 302, §1; Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 151, §1, eff. July 1, 1999; Acts 2008, No. 361, §1.