§25. Annual reports
A. The board shall regularly review all election laws and all procedures used in the conducting of elections in this state.
B. The board shall annually report to the House and Governmental Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives and the Senate and Governmental Affairs Committee of the Senate its findings, observations, and recommendations concerning all aspects of elections in this state. The report shall be submitted prior to the ninetieth day before each legislative session and shall include but shall not be limited to the following subjects: election laws in general, registration procedures, election procedures, election officials, voting machines, tabulation and transmission of election returns, procedures used for casting and counting absentee by mail and early voting ballots, and any other aspect of elections the board deems appropriate.
Acts 1980, No. 681, §1, eff. July 24, 1980; Acts 2005, No. 220, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.