§566.2. Tabulation and counting of provisional ballots for federal office
A. Upon receipt of the "Provisional Ballot" envelope, the registrar of voters shall compile a list of the names of individuals who voted a provisional ballot, including the names of individuals who voted an early voting provisional ballot. On or before the date prescribed for the date of tabulation and counting of provisional ballots set forth in Subsection C of this Section, the registrar of voters, secretary of state, and other state and local agencies shall compile and provide available registration documentation to the parish board of election supervisors for the purposes of determining whether the individual casting a provisional ballot is a registered voter and eligible to vote in the election.
B. The parish board of election supervisors in each parish shall be responsible for the counting and tabulation of all provisional ballots for federal office. The board may utilize absentee by mail and early voting commissioners to count the provisional ballots in the parish. If the board determines that absentee by mail and early voting commissioners are necessary to count and tabulate the provisional ballots, it shall select absentee by mail and early voting commissioners in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 18:1314(D). In a parish where no absentee by mail and early voting commissioners are utilized during the counting and tabulation of absentee by mail and early voting ballots, the board may utilize commissioners to count the provisional ballots. The selection and compensation of such commissioners to count and tabulate provisional ballots shall be in the same manner as absentee by mail and early voting commissioners as provided for in R.S. 18:1314(D) and (E).
C. Provisional ballots shall be counted on the third day following the election and prior to the compilation of returns pursuant to R.S. 18:574 at the office of the registrar of voters or at a public facility within the parish designated by the parish board of election supervisors. For a presidential or regularly scheduled congressional general election, the provisional ballots may be counted on the third or fourth day, or both, following the election.
D. Candidates, their representatives, and qualified electors may be present during the counting and tabulation of provisional ballots.
E. The board shall count and announce the results of the provisional ballots as the total number of provisional votes cast in the election for each candidate for federal office.
F. The procedure for counting provisional ballots shall be as follows:
(1) A member of the board shall remove the envelopes containing the provisional ballots from the envelopes marked "Provisional Ballot" and "Early Voting Provisional Ballot".
(2) The board shall announce the name of each provisional voter and shall compare the name on the flap of the provisional ballot envelope with the name on the list of provisional voters.
(3) If the board has determined that a provisional ballot shall be counted, a member of the board shall write the provisional ballot number and the word "counted" adjacent to the provisional voter's name on the list of provisional voters. A member of the board shall tear the flap from the envelope containing the provisional ballot, attach the provisional voter's registration documentation to the envelope flap, and leave the envelope sealed.
(4) If the board has determined that a provisional ballot shall not be counted, the members of the board shall leave the flap on the envelope containing the provisional ballot, leave the envelope sealed, and shall write the word "rejected", together with the reason for rejecting the provisional ballot across the envelope containing the ballot. A member of the board shall write the provisional ballot number and the word "rejected" adjacent to the provisional voter's name, together with the reason for rejecting the provisional ballot, on the list of provisional voters. The rejected provisional ballots shall be placed in the special provisional ballot envelope. No rejected provisional ballot shall be counted.
(5) After the validity of all provisional ballots has been determined, the members of the board shall place the original signed list of provisional voters, the flaps removed from the valid provisional ballots and the attached registration documentation in the envelope provided for that purpose, and seal the envelope. Two of the members of the board shall execute the certificate on the envelope and transmit the envelope to the registrar of voters.
(6) The members of the board shall open the envelopes containing the valid provisional ballots and remove the ballots.
(7) The provisional votes cast for a candidate for federal office shall be counted by hand, and the total number of provisional votes cast for a candidate shall be announced in the order the offices and candidates are listed on the provisional ballot. The members of the board shall enter the total number of votes on the final provisional ballot vote report and certify the results.
(8) The original of the final provisional ballot vote report prepared by the parish board of election supervisors shall be transmitted to the clerk of court upon completion of the tabulation of the provisional ballots.
(9) A copy of the signed list of provisional voters and a copy of the final provisional ballot vote report shall be transmitted immediately to the secretary of state.
G. When the flaps of the provisional ballots that were counted and the attached registration documentation have been returned to the registrar of voters, the registrar shall add the name of each provisional voter whose ballot was counted to the list of those who have voted.
H. Upon completion of the tabulation and counting of the provisional ballots, the parish board of election supervisors shall return the provisional ballots and a copy of the final provisional ballot vote report to the special provisional ballot envelope, shall seal the envelope, and shall deliver the envelope to the registrar of voters. The registrar shall preserve the envelope and its contents inviolate and, except upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction, shall not allow the provisional ballot documents to be inspected by anyone until the delay for filing an action contesting the election has lapsed. If an action contesting the election is commenced timely, the registrar shall continue to preserve the envelope and its contents inviolate, subject to the orders of the court, until the final judgment in the action has become definitive.
Acts 2003, No. 423, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 2004; Acts 2005, No. 220, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2006; Acts 2005, No. 220, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2006; Acts 2005, No. 431, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 2006; Acts 2008, No. 136, §1, eff. June 6, 2008; Acts 2009, No. 369, §1.