Chapter 208-B: FARM MACHINERY DEALERSHIPS HEADING: PL 1995, C. 462, PT. A, §22 (NEW)
1. Exceptions. The provisions of this chapter do not require the repurchase from a dealer of:
A. A repair part with a limited storage life or otherwise subject to physical or structural deterioration including, but not limited to, gaskets or batteries, but excluding industrial "press on" or industrial pneumatic tires; [1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §22 (NEW); 1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §23 (AFF).]
B. A single repair part normally priced and sold in a set of 2 or more items; [1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §22 (NEW); 1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §23 (AFF).]
C. A repair part that, because of its condition, can not be marketed as a new part without repackaging or reconditioning by the supplier or manufacturer; [1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §22 (NEW); 1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §23 (AFF).]
D. An item of inventory for which the dealer does not have title free of all claims, liens and encumbrances other than those of the supplier; [1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §22 (NEW); 1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §23 (AFF).]
E. Any inventory that the dealer elects to retain; [1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §22 (NEW); 1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §23 (AFF).]
F. Any inventory ordered by the dealer after receipt of notice of termination of the dealer agreement by either the dealer or supplier; [1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §22 (NEW); 1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §23 (AFF).]
G. Any inventory that was acquired by the dealer from a source other than the supplier; or [1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §22 (NEW); 1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §23 (AFF).]
H. Any farm, utility or industrial equipment, implements, machinery, yard and garden equipment or attachments that were purchased by the dealer more than 30 months prior to the termination of the dealer agreement. [1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §22 (NEW); 1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §23 (AFF).]
[ 1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §22 (NEW); 1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §23 (AFF) .]
1995, c. 462, §A22 (NEW). 1995, c. 462, §A23 (AFF).