Chapter 220: BUREAU OF PARKS AND LANDS HEADING: PL 1997, C. 678, §13 (NEW)
Subchapter 2: PARKS AND HISTORIC SITES HEADING: PL 1997, C. 678, §13 (NEW)
The bureau shall administer funds relating to state parks and historic sites, municipal recreation and recreation management on lands classified as state parks or historic sites pursuant to this chapter. These funds include but are not limited to the following: [1997, c. 678, §13 (NEW).]
1. Maine State Parks and Recreational Facilities Development Fund. The Maine State Parks and Recreational Facilities Development Fund is established within the bureau for the purpose of developing, maintaining and managing state parks and other recreational facilities on lands owned or leased by the bureau.
Income from legislative appropriation, gifts, grants, bequests and other sources approved by the Legislature may be deposited into this fund. Any interest earned on money in the fund must also be credited to the fund. The Maine State Parks and Recreational Facilities Development Fund is nonlapsing and all funds are subject to allocation by the Legislature.
[ 1999, c. 127, Pt. A, §29 (RPR) .]
2. Maine State Parks Fund. The Maine State Parks Fund is established within the bureau. The fund receives money from the Maine Environmental Trust Fund in accordance with section 10255, subsection 3. The bureau shall use money in the fund for major and minor capital improvements, maintenance, repairs and operations at state parks and historic sites.
The Maine State Parks Fund is nonlapsing and all funds are subject to allocation by the Legislature.
[ RR 2003, c. 2, §16 (COR) .]
3. Municipal Recreation Fund. The bureau shall administer a state grant-in-aid fund known as the Municipal Recreation Fund. The bureau is responsible for administering all money made available to the fund. Grants-in-aid may be made by the bureau out of the fund as follows.
A. The bureau may make grants to assist municipalities and other political subdivisions in the capital improvement of public park and recreation facilities for projects the total cost of each one of which does not exceed $5,000. Such a grant may not exceed 75% of the approved project cost. A municipality may not receive more than one grant under this paragraph in any fiscal year. [1997, c. 678, §13 (NEW).]
B. For those projects that are approved to receive federal financial assistance under the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, (P.L. 88-578), as amended, the bureau may make a supplemental grant not to exceed 40% of the approved project cost. [1997, c. 678, §13 (NEW).]
C. The bureau may make grants to assist municipalities and other political subdivisions in the development and implementation of recreation programs. Eligible costs for the program grants include, but are not limited to, employment of personnel, transportation and noncapital equipment or supplies. Any grant made under this paragraph in any single fiscal year may not exceed $1,000 or 50% of the project cost, whichever is less. [1997, c. 678, §13 (NEW).]
Funds credited to the Municipal Recreation Fund are nonlapsing.
[ 1997, c. 678, §13 (NEW) .]
4. Forest Recreation Resource Fund. The bureau may construct and maintain public campsites to prevent forest fires by providing fire-safe sites and preventing a proliferation of private fires and to provide recreation opportunities on lands within its jurisdiction and elsewhere in the State's forests where there is inadequate provision of private, primitive campsites.
For the purpose of carrying out these activities, the bureau may accept voluntary services and other contributions pursuant to this chapter; enter into leases and other agreements; and, pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II, establish rules and a schedule of fees for the use of these campsites. All such fees and other revenues derived from grants, contributions, contracts and transfers to carry out the purposes of this subsection must be deposited in a nonlapsing account, to be called the Forest Recreation Resource Fund, to be used for the purposes of this subsection. All funds in this account are subject to allocation by the Legislature.
[ 1997, c. 678, §13 (NEW) .]
5. State Parks Improvement Fund established; sale of merchandise. The State Parks Improvement Fund, referred to in this section as "the fund," is established within the bureau. The fund is nonlapsing. The bureau may sell within parks or historic sites general merchandise that is distinctive to the parks or historic sites or useful to the enjoyment of the parks or historic sites. Items that may be sold include, but are not limited to, hats, coffee mugs, bumper stickers, t-shirts, tote bags and firewood. Merchandise sold by the bureau must be of good quality, appropriate for sale by the bureau and sold for a reasonable fee. The bureau also may rent items to be used for the enjoyment of the park or historic site, including, but not limited to, rowboats, canoes, kayaks and bicycles. To the extent the bureau needs to contract with vendors to obtain goods or services in order to develop, create or manufacture merchandise for sale or lease, the commissioner shall, to the maximum extent practicable, contract with vendors located in this State. Goods and services purchased by the bureau for sale or lease under this section must be procured in accordance with Title 5, chapter 155. All proceeds from the sale or lease of merchandise pursuant to this subsection must be deposited in the fund and used for the operation and maintenance of parks.
[ 2009, c. 27, §1 (NEW) .]
1997, c. 678, §13 (NEW). 1999, c. 127, §A29 (AMD). RR 2003, c. 2, §16 (COR). 2009, c. 27, §1 (AMD).