Chapter 507: ATTACHMENTS
Subchapter 4: DISSOLUTION
If, at the hearing, such court finds that such interest is worth as much as the amount ordered in the writ to be attached, it shall order such defendant to give bond to the plaintiff, with sufficient sureties, conditioned that within 30 days after judgment for the plaintiff has become final by expiration of the time for appeal, by dismissal of an appeal or on certificate of decision from the law court, he will pay the judgment recovered by the plaintiff, with his costs on the petition, such bond, except as otherwise provided, to be in an amount equal to the amount ordered in the writ to be attached; but, if it finds that such interest is worth less than the amount ordered in the writ to be attached, such bond, except as otherwise provided, shall be in an amount equal to the value of such interest. If, in either event the court shall find that the value of the interest attached is in excess of the amount of any judgment which the plaintiff may reasonably be expected to recover, with his costs on the petition, it may fix the amount of such bond at such sum, not exceeding the amount ordered to be attached and not exceeding the value of the interest attached, as it may deem adequate to protect the plaintiff in the collection of any judgment recovered by him, with his costs on the petition.