Part 3: TRIALS
Chapter 203: JURIES
1. General rule. Grand jury territorial authority to indict for crimes coming within the jurisdiction of the Superior Court must be exercised by the grand jury serving the county where the crime was committed.
[ 2007, c. 526, §1 (NEW) .]
2. Exceptions. The following are exceptions to subsection 1.
A. If the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court creates judicial regions for venue purposes pursuant to Title 4, section 19, each grand jury in a multicounty judicial region may share authority to indict for crimes committed in that judicial region. [2007, c. 526, §1 (NEW).]
B. Grand jury territorial authority to indict for crimes may also be exercised as otherwise provided by law. [2007, c. 526, §1 (NEW).]
[ 2007, c. 526, §1 (NEW) .]
3. Administration. The Supreme Judicial Court shall establish by rule or administrative order how and to what extent the shared authority of each grand jury in a multicounty judicial region to indict under subsection 2 may be exercised.
[ 2007, c. 526, §1 (NEW) .]
2007, c. 526, §1 (NEW).