Title 17: CRIMES
Chapter 13-A: BEANO OR BINGO
1. Payment of proceeds.
[ 1993, c. 45, §2 (RP) .]
1-A. Payment of proceeds. An organization licensed to operate beano or bingo and Lucky 7 games in conjunction with beano or bingo may use the proceeds or part of the proceeds to:
A. Pay salaries, wages or remuneration to any person directly involved in operating beano, bingo or Lucky 7 games; [1993, c. 45, §3 (NEW).]
B. Defray the expenses or part of the expenses that further the purpose for which the organization is formed except that proceeds may not be:
(1) Used to purchase alcohol or to defray the cost of activities where alcohol is served; or
(2) Paid directly to organization members except as specifically allowed in this subsection; and [1993, c. 45, §3 (NEW).]
C. Defray the expenses or part of the expenses of a member, auxiliary member, officer or employee of the organization for a serious illness, injury or casualty loss if the licensee makes an application and the application is approved by the licensing division within the Bureau of State Police.
(1) An application must be made in the form and contain the information the licensing division requires.
(a) In the case of serious illness or injury, the licensing division may require certification by a licensed physician setting out the facts in support of the application.
(b) In the case of a casualty loss, the licensing division may require statements or reports from a law enforcement agency, rescue or other emergency services personnel or an insurance agency to support the application.
(c) The licensing division may deny an application if it appears that the person who would receive the proceeds has adequate means of financial support, including, but not limited to, insurance or workers' compensation benefits. [1993, c. 45, §3 (NEW).]
1-B. Filing. An organization that chooses to use the proceeds or part of the proceeds as allowed by subsection 1-A must file with the Chief of the State Police, at least quarterly, a form for the disposition of funds prescribed by the Chief of the State Police detailing all payments made. Every statement on the form must be made under oath by an officer of the organization.
2. Rules. The rules adopted pursuant to section 317 must contain standards governing payments made under this section. Payments under subsection 1-A, paragraph A may not exceed 20% of the revenue generated by the games and the rules must limit payments to reasonable compensation, taking into account the nature of the services rendered, comparable wage rates, the size of the organization and other revenues, the size of the games and the revenue generated by the games. The Chief of the State Police may disallow any excessive payment of proceeds, may suspend an organization's license for excessive payment of proceeds and may condition the restoration of an organization's license on the repayment of an excessive payment of proceeds by the organization.
A. [1991, c. 590, (RP).]
B. [1991, c. 590, (RP).]
C. [1991, c. 590, (RP).]
3. Rules.
[ 1991, c. 590, (RP) .]
4. Posting. An organization licensed to operate beano or bingo and Lucky 7 games in conjunction with beano or bingo shall post in a conspicuous place in the room or hall where the licensed game is conducted a sign that states: the net revenue earned from the operation of those games in dollars and cents; the amount of charitable donations from that net revenue in dollars and cents; what percentage in dollars and cents of the net revenue that amount represents in donations to nonprofit activities; and what percentage of the net revenue was distributed from licensed games for the previous calendar year and the current calendar year.
1989, c. 825, §2 (NEW). 1991, c. 590, (RPR). 1993, c. 45, §§2-4 (AMD). 1993, c. 45, §3 (NEW). 1993, c. 45, §3 (NEW). 1993, c. 45, §4 (AMD). 1997, c. 684, §4 (NEW). 1997, c. 684, §4 (AMD).