Title 17: CRIMES
Chapter 93-A: OBSCENITY
1. Prohibition. No book, magazine or newspaper containing obscene material on its cover and offered for sale shall be diplayed in a location accessible to minors unless the cover of that book, magazine or newspaper is covered with an opaque material sufficient to prevent the obscene material from being visible.
[ 1979, c. 127, §123 (NEW) .]
2. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings.
A. "Minor" means any person who has not attained his 18th birthday. [1979, c. 127, §123 (NEW).]
B. "Obscene material" means material which:
(1) To the average individual applying contemporary community standards with respect to what is suitable material for minors, considered as a whole, appeals to prurient interests;
(2) Depicts or describes in a patently offensive manner, ultimate sexual acts, excretory functions, masturbation or lewd exhibition of the genitals; and
(3) When considered as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value. [1983, c. 300, §6 (AMD).]
3. Civil violation. Any person violating this section shall be subject to a forfeiture of not more than $250.
[ 1979, c. 127, §123 (NEW) .]
1979, c. 127, §123 (NEW). 1983, c. 300, §6 (AMD).