Part 3:
When restitution is authorized, and the offender is not committed to the Department of Corrections and does not receive a sentence that includes a period of probation, the time and method of payment or of the performance of the services must be specified by the court and monetary compensation may be ordered paid to the office of the prosecuting attorney who is prosecuting the case or to the clerk of the court. If the offender is committed to the Department of Corrections or receives a sentence that includes a period of probation, monetary compensation must be paid to the Department of Corrections and the time and method of payment must be determined by the Department of Corrections during the term of commitment or the period of probation. Once any term of commitment to the Department of Corrections or period of probation is completed and if the restitution ordered has not been paid in full, the offender is subject to the provisions of section 1326-F and, in the event of a default, the provisions of section 1329. The state agency receiving the restitution shall deposit any money received in the account maintained by the Treasurer of State for deposit of state agency funds, from which funds are daily transferred to an investment account and invested. Interest accrued on that money is the property of and accrues to the State for deposit in the General Fund. The agency receiving the restitution shall make the disbursement to the victim or other authorized claimant as soon as possible after the agency receives the money. [2009, c. 608, §12 (AMD).]
1999, c. 469, §1 (NEW). 2009, c. 94, §3 (AMD). 2009, c. 608, §12 (AMD).