Subtitle 2: HEALTH
1. Construction or alteration of public water systems. New construction, additions or alterations involving the source, treatment or storage of water in any public water system may not commence until the plans and specifications have been submitted to and approved by the department.
A. The commissioner may exempt the construction, addition or alteration from submission and approval if it will have no effect on public health or welfare. [1999, c. 761, §2 (NEW).]
B. The department must consult with and advise persons planning or operating a public water system as to the most appropriate source of supply and the best methods of ensuring its purity. The department must consider any existing potential sources of contamination in the vicinity of the proposed source of supply when reviewing whether to approve a new source of supply and may deny approval based on those existing potential sources of contamination. [1999, c. 761, §2 (NEW).]
C. In granting approval of plans and specifications, the department may require modifications, conditions or procedures to ensure, as far as feasible, the protection of the public health. The department may adopt and enforce rules governing the construction or alteration of public water systems to ensure the protection of the public health and may require the submission of water samples for analysis to determine the extent of treatment required. [1999, c. 761, §2 (NEW).]
Records of construction, including, when feasible, plans and descriptions of existing public water systems, must be maintained by public water systems and made promptly available to the department upon request.
[ 1999, c. 761, §2 (RPR) .]
2. Operation and maintenance of public water systems. The department shall monitor the operation and maintenance of any public water system in the State. Such monitoring shall include all aspects of operation and maintenance which may affect the quality of the water supply. The department may adopt rules and regulations relating to operation and maintenance of public water systems to insure the purity of water and the protection of public health. Such rules and regulations may apply to all aspects of operation and maintenance which may affect the quality of water supplied to the public, including feasible purification methods, equipment and systems. The department may require, by rule or regulation, any public water system to submit water samples for analysis on a regular basis, as often as necessary to insure the public health. Records of operation and maintenance of public water systems shall be kept on forms approved or specified by the department and this data shall be submitted to the department at the times and in the manner as the department directs. The supplier of water shall promptly comply with such department directions.
[ 1975, c. 751, §4 (NEW) .]
3. Inspection. Any officer or employee duly designated by the commissioner, upon presenting appropriate credentials and a written notice of his authority to inspect, signed by the commissioner, is authorized to enter any part of a public water system in order to determine whether such supplier is complying with this chapter and any departmental rules, regulations or orders issued hereunder. The inspection may include any portion of a public water system, including the sources of supply, treatment facilities and materials, pumping facilities, distribution and storage facilities, records, files and reports on operation. The inspection may also include the testing of any portion of a public water system affecting water quality, including raw and processed water, and the taking of any samples necessary to insure compliance with this chapter and the rules, regulations or orders issued hereunder. Each inspection shall take place at a reasonable time and be commenced and completed with reasonable promptness. The supplier shall be promptly notified of the results of the inspection.
[ 1975, c. 751, §4 (NEW) .]
4. Engineering studies. The commissioner may order a public water supplier to carry out an engineering study of the water works system or any portion thereof, if such study is required to identify potential threats to the public health and remedies that will remove such threats. The purpose of such study shall be to ascertain the best methods of complying with this chapter and departmental rules and regulations. The department may further order a public water system to implement the feasible recommendations of the study required to protect the public health. Prior to issuing any order under this subsection, this commissioner shall provide written notice to the public water system and public notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the area served by the public water system, and shall also provide the opportunity for a public hearing on the proposed order.
[ 1975, c. 751, §4 (NEW) .]
5. Cross connections. The department may adopt and enforce regulations governing the connection of any public water systems to any pipes, facilities or structures that carry, store or distribute water that has not been analyzed for compliance or cannot comply with the State Primary Drinking Water Standards, or any connection that may introduce contamination into the system, in order to protect the system from contamination.
[ 1975, c. 751, §4 (NEW) .]
6. Training. The department may provide training in operations and maintenance of public water systems, techniques and methods of testing and analysis of water, and the requirements of this chapter and departmental rules and regulations, for suppliers of water and operators and employees of public water systems.
[ 1975, c. 751, §4 (NEW) .]
1975, c. 751, §4 (NEW). 1999, c. 761, §2 (AMD).