The insurer shall file with the superintendent its underwriting rules pertaining to eligibility for the mass marketing plan. No insurer may use underwriting standards for individual risk selection in a mass marketing plan that are, on the whole, more restrictive than the standards used by that insurer for individual risk selection in the sale of the same kind of insurance in this State other than pursuant to mass marketing plans. If an insurer does not sell that kind of insurance in this State other than pursuant to mass marketing plans, its underwriting standards for individual risk selection in those plans, on the whole, may be no more restrictive than the standards used by its principal affiliate, if any, for individual risk selection in the sale of that kind of insurance in this State other than pursuant to mass marketing plans. With respect to motor vehicle insurance, all policies issued under the mass marketing plans must provide at least the financial responsibility limits of coverage stated in Title 29-A, section 1605, subsection 1. [1995, c. 65, Pt. A, §153 (AFF); 1995, c. 65, Pt. A, §72 (AMD); 1995, c. 65, Pt. C, §15 (AFF).]
If an insurer rejects an applicant for coverage pursuant to a mass marketing plan, the insurer shall provide a notice of rejection to the applicant. Explanations such as "underwriting reasons," "loss record," "location of risk" and similar insurance terms are not by themselves acceptable explanations of an insurer's rejection. [1989, c. 192, §4 (NEW).]
The insurance shall be offered without discrimination against any eligible member of the plan as to rates, forms or coverages. Nothing in this section shall preclude the establishment of different classes of risk. [1989, c. 192, §4 (NEW).]
Insurers may not cancel, fail to renew or change the rating classification of insureds who have coverage in force under existing plans as of the effective date of this section for the sole reason that the insured fails to meet underwriting standards which are applicable to persons enrolling in the plans after the effective date of this section. [1989, c. 192, §4 (NEW).]
1989, c. 192, §4 (NEW). 1995, c. 65, §§A153,C15 (AFF). 1995, c. 65, §A72 (AMD).