Title 28-A: LIQUORS HEADING: PL 1987, C. 45, PT. A, §4 (NEW)
Chapter 7: BOTTLE CLUBS HEADING: PL 1987, C. 45, PT. A, §4 (NEW)
1. Application to local authorities. Prior to registration with the bureau under section 161, an owner or operator of a bottle club must apply to the municipal officers or, in the case of unincorporated places, the county commissioners of the county in which the unincorporated place is located, for permission to operate the bottle club or for transfer of location of an existing bottle club. The bureau shall prepare and supply application forms.
[ 1995, c. 462, Pt. D, §4 (AMD) .]
2. Hearings. The municipal officers or, in the case of unincorporated places, the county commissioners of the county in which the unincorporated place is located shall hold a public hearing for the consideration of applications for new bottle clubs and applications for transfer of location of existing bottle clubs. The municipal officers or the county commissioners shall provide public notice of a hearing held under this section. The notice, at the applicant's prepaid expense, must state the name and place of the hearing and must appear for at least 3 consecutive days before the date of the hearing in a daily newspaper having general circulation in the municipality or unincorporated place where the bottle club is located or for 2 consecutive weeks before the hearing date in a weekly newspaper having general circulation in the municipality or unincorporated place where the bottle club is located.
[ 1995, c. 140, §3 (NEW) .]
3. Findings. In granting or denying an application, the municipal officers or the county commissioners shall indicate the reasons for their decision and provide a copy to the applicant. An application may be denied on one or more of the following grounds:
A. Conviction of the applicant of any Class A, Class B or Class C crime; [1995, c. 140, §3 (NEW).]
B. Noncompliance of the bottle club with any local zoning ordinance or other land use ordinance not related directly to liquor control; [1995, c. 140, §3 (NEW).]
C. Conditions of record such as waste disposal violations, health or safety violations or repeated parking or traffic violations on or in the vicinity of the bottle club and caused by persons patronizing or employed by the bottle club or other such conditions that unreasonably disturb, interfere with or affect the ability of persons or businesses residing or located in the vicinity of the bottle club to use their property in a reasonable manner; [1995, c. 140, §3 (NEW).]
D. Repeated incidents of record of breaches of the peace, disorderly conduct, vandalism or other violations of law at or in the vicinity of the bottle club and caused by persons patronizing or employed by the bottle club; [1995, c. 140, §3 (NEW).]
E. A violation of any provision of this Title; [1995, c. 140, §3 (NEW).]
F. In the case of corporate applicants, ineligibility or disqualification under section 601 of any officer, director or stockholder of the corporation; and [1995, c. 140, §3 (NEW).]
G. Location of the bottle club at any amusement area, beach or other area designed primarily for use by minors. [1995, c. 140, §3 (NEW).]
[ 1995, c. 140, §3 (NEW) .]
4. Appeal to bureau. Any applicant aggrieved by the decision of the municipal officers or county commissioners under this section may appeal to the bureau. The bureau shall hold a public hearing in the city, town or unincorporated place where the premises are situated. In acting on such an appeal, the bureau may consider all of the requirements referred to in subsection 3.
A. If the decision appealed is approval of the application, the bureau may reverse the decision if it was arbitrary or based on an erroneous finding. [1995, c. 462, Pt. D, §4 (AMD).]
B. If the decision appealed is denial of the application, the bureau may reverse the decision and register the bottle club under section 161 only if it finds by clear and convincing evidence that the decision was without justifiable cause. [1995, c. 462, Pt. D, §4 (AMD).]
[ 1995, c. 462, Pt. D, §4 (AMD) .]
5. Appeal to Superior Court. Any person or governmental entity aggrieved by a bureau decision under this section may appeal the decision to the Superior Court.
[ 1995, c. 462, Pt. D, §4 (AMD) .]
1995, c. 140, §3 (NEW). 1995, c. 462, §D4 (AMD).