Chapter 61: SARDINE PACKERS HEADING: PL 1991, C. 446, PT. C, §2 (RPR)
Subchapter 1: LICENSES HEADING: PL 1991, C. 446, PT. C, §2 (RPR)
A person, firm, corporation, association or society may not pack sardines, kippers, steaks or other canned herring products within the State for sale without having first filed with the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources an application for license, accompanied with a fee of $50, upon receipt of which application the commissioner shall issue to the person, firm, corporation, association or society making such application a license to pack sardines, kippers, steaks or other canned herring products. Each such license covers one group of buildings constituting a packing plant in one location. The license runs from January 1st and expires in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Maine Administrative Procedure Act as to license expiration or on December 31st of each year, whichever is later, unless sooner revoked and must be renewed annually. Before issuing such license or renewing it, the commissioner may by adequate inspection determine that the laws and regulations relating to the packing of sardines, kippers, steaks or other canned herring products and the operation of packing plants for sardines, kippers, steaks or other canned herring products are being observed. [1995, c. 307, §2 (AMD).]
1965, c. 123, (AMD). 1977, c. 694, §626 (AMD). 1993, c. 14, §1 (AMD). 1995, c. 307, §2 (AMD).