Subchapter 1: ORGANIZATION
The Maine Emergency Management Agency, as previously established and in this chapter called the "agency," is under the supervision of the Director of the Maine Emergency Management Agency, who in this chapter is called the "director." The director must be qualified by education, training or experience in managing emergencies or in the emergency management profession and is appointed by the Governor upon recommendation of the commissioner, subject to review by the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over the Department of Public Safety and confirmation by the Legislature. The director serves at the pleasure of the Governor. [2007, c. 3, §1 (AMD).]
The director may employ technical, clerical, stenographic, administrative and operative assistants and other personnel, subject to the Civil Service Law, and make expenditures, with approval of the commissioner, that are necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. [2001, c. 662, §75 (AMD).]
The director, subject to the direction and control of the commissioner, is responsible administratively to the commissioner, retains direct access to the Governor in the case of an emergency and is responsible for notifying the Governor and the commissioner of all emergencies. The director is the executive head of the agency and is responsible for carrying out the program for emergency management. The director shall represent the Governor on all matters pertaining to the comprehensive emergency management program and the disaster and emergency response of the State; shall coordinate the activities of all organizations for emergency management within the State; shall maintain liaison with and cooperate with emergency management and public safety agencies and organizations of other states, the Federal Government and foreign countries, and their political subdivisions; prior to the annual meeting required in section 782, subsection 4, shall provide to each of the local emergency management organizations of the State an annual assessment of each organization's degree of emergency management capability and any other information pertinent to ensuring the public's welfare and safety within the local organization's jurisdiction; and has additional authority, duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed by the commissioner or the Governor. [2005, c. 634, §11 (AMD).]
The director, in consultation with the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, shall prepare a plan for the recovery, identification and disposition of human remains in a disaster. The Office of Chief Medical Examiner is responsible for execution of the plan, with full cooperation and assistance from all other members of the emergency management forces. [2001, c. 614, §9 (AMD).]
This plan must be reviewed and updated as necessary. The director shall see that the plan and the reviews receive suitable dissemination on a timely basis. [1997, c. 580, §2 (NEW).]
The director shall conduct periodic assessments at least once every 2 years, beginning January 15, 2007, of the use of public safety radio frequencies in emergency situations to ensure that first responders obtain sufficient training to understand and comply with adopted protocols and procedures. [2005, c. 634, §11 (NEW).]
The director shall develop and conduct an annual program of comprehensive public education, using all appropriate means of communication to educate and inform members of the public and public officials about emergency preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation. The program must incorporate the use of appropriate accessible formats to educate and inform individuals with disabilities, individuals who are elderly and non-English-speaking residents of Maine. [2005, c. 634, §11 (NEW).]
The director shall develop and conduct an annual statewide program of emergency management exercises to test the policies and plans of the state, county and local emergency management agencies. The program must address all disasters identified pursuant to section 783, subsection 1. [2007, c. 167, §11 (NEW).]
1983, c. 460, §3 (NEW). 1983, c. 816, §B17 (AMD). 1985, c. 785, §B175 (AMD). 1987, c. 370, §15 (AMD). 1991, c. 376, §65 (AMD). 1997, c. 580, §2 (AMD). 2001, c. 614, §§8,9 (AMD). 2001, c. 662, §§75,76 (AMD). 2003, c. 510, §A33 (AMD). 2005, c. 634, §11 (AMD). 2007, c. 3, §1 (AMD). 2007, c. 167, §11 (AMD).