All estuarine and marine waters lying within the boundaries of the State and which are not otherwise classified are Class SB waters. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
1. Cumberland County.
A. Cape Elizabeth.
(1) Tidal waters of the Spurwink River system lying north of a line at latitude 43`-33'-44" N. - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §22 (AMD).]
B. Cumberland.
(1) Tidal waters located within a line beginning at a point located on the Cumberland-Portland boundary at approximately latitude 43`41'-18"N., longitude 70` - 05'-48"W. and running northeasterly to a point located on the Cumberland-Harpswell boundary at approximately latitude 43` - 42'-57"N., longitude 70` - 03'-50" W.; thence running southwesterly along the Cumberland-Harpswell boundary to a point where the Cumberland, Harpswell and Portland boundaries meet; thence running northeasterly along the Cumberland-Portland boundary to point of beginning - Class SA. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
C. Falmouth.
(1) Tidal waters of the Town of Falmouth located westerly and northerly, to include the Presumpscot estuary, of a line running from the southernmost point of Mackworth Island; thence running northerly along the western shore of Mackworth Island and the Mackworth Island Causeway to a point located where the causeway joins Mackworth Point - Class SC. [1999, c. 277, §25 (AMD).]
D. Harpswell.
(1) Tidal waters located within a line beginning at a point located on the Cumberland-Harpswell boundary at approximately latitude 43` - 42'-57" N., longitude 70` - 03'-50" W. and running northeasterly to a point located at latitude 43` - 43'-08" N., longitude 70` - 03'-36"W.; thence running southeasterly to a point located at latitude 43` - 42'-02" N., longitude 70` - 00'-00" W.; thence running due south to the Harpswell-Portland boundary; thence running northwesterly along the Harpswell-Portland boundary to a point where the Cumberland, Harpswell and Portland boundaries meet; thence running northwesterly along the Cumberland-Harpswell boundary to point of beginning - Class SA. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
E. Portland.
(1) Tidal waters located within a line beginning at a point located on the Cumberland-Portland boundary at approximately latitude 43` - 41'-18" N., longitude 70` - 05'-48" W. and running southeasterly along the Cumberland-Portland boundary to a point where the Cumberland, Harpswell and Portland boundaries meet; thence running southeasterly along the Harpswell-Portland boundary to longitude 70` - 00'-00" W.; thence running due south to a point located at latitude 43` - 38'-21" N., longitude 70` - 00'-00" W.; thence running due west to a point located at latitude 43` - 38'-21" N., longitude 70` - 09'-06" W.; thence running northeasterly to point of beginning - Class SA.
(2) Tidal waters of the City of Portland lying northwesterly of a line beginning at Spring Point Light in South Portland to the easternmost point of Fort Gorges Island, thence running northerly to the southernmost point of Mackworth Island - Class SC. [1999, c. 277, §26 (AMD).]
E-1. Scarborough.
(1) Tidal waters of the Scarborough River system lying north of a line running easterly from a point where the old Boston and Maine Railroad line intersects the marsh at latitude 43`-33'-06" N., longitude 70`-20'-58" W. to a point of land north of Black Rock at latitude 43`-33'-06" N., longitude 70`-19'-25" W., excluding those tidal waters of Phillips Brook lying upstream of a point 500 feet south of U.S. Route 1 - Class SA.
(2) Tidal waters of the Spurwink River system lying north of a line extending from Higgins Beach at latitude 43`-33'-44" N. to the town line - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §23 (NEW).]
F. South Portland.
(1) Tidal waters of the City of South Portland lying westerly of a line beginning at Spring Point Light to the easternmost point of Fort Gorges Island in Portland - Class SC. [1999, c. 277, §27 (AMD).]
G. [1989, c. 764, §24 (RP).]
[ 1999, c. 277, §§25-27 (AMD) .]
2. Hancock County.
A. Bar Harbor.
(1) Tidal waters, except those lying within 500 feet of privately owned shoreline, lying northerly of latitude 44` - 16'-36" N., southerly of latitude 44` - 20'-27" N., and westerly of longitude 68` - 09'-28" W. - Class SA. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
A-1. Brooksville.
(1) Tidal waters of the Bagaduce River lying southerly of Young's Island - Class SA. [2003, c. 317, §23 (NEW).]
B. Bucksport.
(1) All tidal waters - Class SC. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
C. Cranberry Isles.
(1) Tidal waters, except those lying within 500 feet of privately owned shoreline, lying within 0.5 mile of the shore of Baker Island - Class SA. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
D. Mount Desert.
(1) Tidal waters, except those lying within 500 feet of privately owned shoreline, lying northerly of latitude 44` - 16'-36" N. and easterly of longitude 68` - 13'-08" W. - Class SA.
(2) Tidal waters of Somes Sound lying northerly of a line beginning at a point located at the Acadia National Park boundary at latitude 44` - 18'-18" N., longitude 68` - 18'-42" W. and running northeasterly to a point located at the Acadia National Park boundary at latitude 44` - 18'-54" N., longitude 68` - 18'-22" W., except those waters of Broad Cove lying west of a line running from the point of land immediately south of the cove northerly to Navigation Can #7 and those waters lying within 500 feet of overboard discharges licensed as of January 1, 1999 - Class SA.
(3) Tidal waters of Somes Sound lying within 500 feet of overboard discharges licensed as of January 1, 1999 - Class SA. [1999, c. 277, §28 (AMD); 1999, c. 277, §31 (AFF).]
E. Orland.
(1) Tidal waters lying northerly of the southernmost point of land on Verona Island - Class SC. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
E-1. Penobscot.
(1) Tidal waters of the Bagaduce River lying southerly of Winslow Island and easterly of the westernmost point of Young's Island - Class SA. [2003, c. 317, §23 (NEW).]
E-2. Sedgewick.
(1) Tidal waters of the Bagaduce River - Class SA. [2003, c. 317, §23 (NEW).]
F. Southwest Harbor.
(1) Tidal waters lying northerly of latitude 44` - 12'-44` -" N., southerly of latitude 44` - 14'-13" N. and westerly of longitude 68` - 18'-27" W. - Class SA.
(2) Tidal waters of Somes Sound lying northerly of a line beginning at a point located at the Acadia National Park boundary at latitude 44` - 18'-18" N., longitude 68` - 18'-42" W. and running northeasterly to a point located at the Acadia National Park boundary at latitude 44` - 18'-54" N., longitude 68` - 18'-22" W. - Class SA. [1999, c. 277, §29 (AMD).]
G. Tremont.
(1) Tidal waters lying northerly of latitude 44` - 12'-44` -" N., southerly of latitude 44` - 14'-13" N. and easterly of longitude 68` - 20'-30" W. - Class SA. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
H. Verona Island.
(1) Tidal waters lying northerly of the southernmost point of land on Verona Island - Class SC. [2003, c. 534, §3 (AMD); 2003, c. 534, §5 (AFF).]
I. Winter Harbor.
(1) Tidal waters lying south of a line running west from the northernmost tip of Frazer Point to longitude 68`-05'-00" W. and east of longitude 68`-05'-00" W. - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §25 (NEW).]
[ 2003, c. 534, §3 (AMD); 2003, c. 534, §5 (AFF) .]
3. Knox County.
A. Isle Au Haut.
(1) Tidal waters, except those lying within 500 feet of privately owned shoreline, lying northerly of latitude 44` - 00'-00" N., southerly of latitude 44` - 03'-06" N., easterly of longitude 68` - 41'-00" W. and westerly of longitude 68` - 35'-00" W. - Class SA. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
B. Owls Head.
(1) Tidal waters lying westerly of a line running between the southernmost point of land on Jameson Point and the northernmost point of land on Battery Point - Class SC. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
C. Rockland.
(1) Tidal waters lying westerly of a line running between the southernmost point of land on Jameson Point and the northernmost point of land on Battery Point - Class SC. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
[ 1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW) .]
3-A. Lincoln County.
A. Boothbay.
(1) Tidal waters lying south of the northernmost point of Damariscove Island and west of longitude 69`-36'-00" W. - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §26 (NEW).]
[ 1989, c. 764, §26 (NEW) .]
4. Penobscot County.
A. Hampden.
(1) Tidal waters lying southerly of a line extended in an east-west direction from the outlet of Reed Brook in the Village of Hampden Highlands - Class SC. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
B. Orrington.
(1) Tidal waters lying southerly of a line extended in an east-west direction from the outlet of Reed Brook in the Village of Hampden Highlands - Class SC. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
[ 1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW) .]
5. Sagadahoc County.
A. Georgetown.
(1) Tidal waters located within a line beginning at a point on the shore located at latitude 43` - 47'-16" N., longitude 69` -43'-09" W. and running due east to longitude 69` -42'-00" W.; thence running due south to latitude 43` - 42'-52" N.; thence running due west to longitude 69` -44' -25" W.; thence running due north to a point on the shore located at latitude 43` - 46'-15" N., longitude 69` -44'-25" W.; thence running northerly along the shore to point of beginning - Class SA. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
B. Phippsburg.
(1) Tidal waters east of longitude 69`-50'-05" W. and west of longitude 69`-47'-00" W. - Class SA.
(2) Tidal waters of The Basin, including The Narrows east of a line drawn between 69`-51'-57" W. and 43`-48'-14" N. - Class SA. [2009, c. 163, §22 (AMD).]
[ 2009, c. 163, §22 (AMD) .]
6. Waldo County.
A. Frankfort."
(1) All tidal waters - Class SC. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
B. Prospect."
(1) All tidal waters - Class SC. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
C. Searsport.
(1) Tidal waters located within a line beginning at the southernmost point of land on Kidder Point and running southerly along the western shore of Sears Island to the southernmost point of Sears Island; thence running due south to latitude 44`-25'-25" N.; thence running due west to latitude 44`-25'-25" N., longitude 68`-54'-30" W.; thence running due north to the shore of Mack Point at longitude 68`-54'-30" W.; thence running along the shore in an easterly direction to point of beginning - Class SC. [1989, c. 764, §28 (AMD).]
D. Stockton Springs.
(1) Tidal waters lying northerly of the southernmost point of land on Verona Island - Class SC. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
E. Winterport.
(1) All tidal waters - Class SC. [1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW).]
[ 1989, c. 764, §28 (AMD) .]
7. Washington County.
A. Beals.
(1) Tidal waters lying east of the line extending from the westernmost point of Three Falls Point to the easternmost point of Crumple Island; thence south along longitude 67`-36'-47" W. - Class SA.
(2) Tidal waters lying south of a line extending from the easternmost point of the southern shore of the Mud Hole; thence extending along latitude 44`-29'-00" N. to the town line - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §29 (RPR).]
B. Calais.
(1) Tidal waters of the St. Croix River and its tidal tributaries lying westerly of longitude 67`-14'-28" W. - Class SC. [1989, c. 764, §29 (RPR).]
C. Cutler.
(1) All tidal waters except those waters in Machias Bay and Little Machias Bay north of a line running from the town line due east to the southernmost point of Cross Island; thence running northeast to the southeasternmost point of Cape Wash Island; thence running northeast to the westernmost point of Deer Island; thence running due north to the mainland; and those waters lying northwest of a line running from the easternmost point of Western Head to the easternmost point of Eastern Knubble - Class SA. [1991, c. 499, §18 (AMD).]
D. Eastport.
(1) Tidal waters lying southerly of latitude 44`-54'-50" N., easterly of longitude 67`-02'-00" W. and northerly of latitude 44`-53'-15" N. - Class SC. [1989, c. 764, §29 (RPR).]
E. Edmunds.
(1) All tidal waters - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §29 (NEW).]
F. Lubec.
(1) Tidal waters, except those lying within 500 feet of West Quoddy Head Light, south of a line beginning at a point located on the northern shore of West Quoddy Head at latitude 44`-49'-22" N., longitude 66`-59'-17" W. and running northeast to the international boundary at latitude 44`-49'-45" N., longitude 66`-57'-57" W. - Class SA.
(2) Tidal waters west of a line running from the easternmost point of Youngs Point to the easternmost point of Leighton Neck in Pembroke - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §29 (NEW).]
G. Milbridge.
(1) Tidal waters south of a line running from the Steuben - Milbridge town line along latitude 44`-27'-39" N. to the northernmost point of Currant Island; thence running easterly to a point 1,000 feet from mean high tide on the northernmost point of Pond Island; thence along a line running 1,000 feet from mean high tide along the east side of Pond Island to the southernmost point of the island; thence running due south - Class SA. [1999, c. 277, §30 (AMD).]
H. Pembroke.
(1) Tidal waters west of a line running from the easternmost point of Leighton Neck to the easternmost point of Youngs Point in Lubec - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §29 (NEW).]
I. Steuben.
(1) Tidal waters southeast of a line beginning at Yellow Birch Head at latitude 44`-25'-05" N.; thence running to longitude 67`-55'-00" W.; thence running due south along longitude 67`-55'-00" W. - Class SA.
(2) Tidal waters southwest of a line beginning at a point located south of Carrying Place Cove at latitude 44`-26'-18" N., longitude 67`-53'-14" W.; thence running along latitude 44`-26'-18" N. east to the town line - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §29 (NEW).]
J. Trescott.
(1) All tidal waters - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §29 (NEW).]
K. Whiting.
(1) Tidal waters of the Orange River - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §29 (NEW).]
[ 1999, c. 277, §30 (AMD) .]
8. York County.
A. Biddeford.
(1) Tidal waters of the Saco River and its tidal tributaries lying westerly of longitude 70`-22'-54" W. - Class SC. [1989, c. 764, §30 (RPR).]
B. Kennebunk.
(1) Tidal waters of the Little River system lying north of latitude 43`-20'-10" N. - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §30 (RPR).]
C. Kittery.
(1) Tidal waters of the Piscataqua River and its tidal tributaries lying westerly of longitude 70`-42'-52" W., southerly of Route 103 and easterly of Interstate Route 95 - Class SC.
(2) Tidal waters lying northeast of a line from Sisters Point; thence south along longitude 70`-40'-00" W. to the Maine-New Hampshire border; thence running southeast along the Maine-New Hampshire border to Cedar Ledge beyond the Isles of Shoals, except waters within 500 feet of the Isles of Shoals Research Station - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §30 (RPR).]
D. Old Orchard Beach.
(1) Tidal waters of Goosefare Brook and its tidal tributaries lying westerly of longitude 70`-23'-08" W. - Class SC. [1989, c. 764, §30 (RPR).]
E. Saco.
(1) Tidal waters of Goosefare Brook and its tidal tributaries lying westerly of longitude 70`-23'-08" W. - Class SC.
(2) Tidal waters of the Saco River and its tidal tributaries lying westerly of longitude 70`-22'-54" W. - Class SC. [1989, c. 764, §30 (RPR).]
F. Wells.
(1) Tidal waters of the Little River system lying north of latitude 43`-20'-10" N. - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §30 (RPR).]
G. York.
(1) Tidal waters lying southwest of a line from Seal Head Point east along latitude 43`-07'-15" N. - Class SA. [1989, c. 764, §30 (NEW).]
[ 1989, c. 764, §30 (RPR) .]
1985, c. 698, §15 (NEW). 1987, c. 192, §23 (AMD). 1989, c. 764, §§22-30 (AMD). 1991, c. 499, §18 (AMD). 1999, c. 277, §§25-30 (AMD). 1999, c. 277, §31 (AFF). 2003, c. 317, §23 (AMD). 2003, c. 534, §3 (AMD). 2003, c. 534, §5 (AFF). 2009, c. 163, §22 (AMD).