Chapter 405-A: HORTICULTURE HEADING: PL 1991, C. 785, §3 (NEW)
1. Inspections of nurseries; sales prohibitions. Inspections of nurseries and sales prohibitions are as follows.
A. The State Horticulturist or an assistant shall inspect nurseries as determined necessary by the State Horticulturist. Nurseries must be accessible at reasonable times for inspection. If plant pests are found at sufficient levels to pose a threat to other horticultural establishments or the general public, the State Horticulturist may issue an order to embargo or detain the nursery stock. Upon issuing an order of embargo or detention, the State Horticulturist shall notify the owner of the nursery stock of that order. Within 10 days of receipt of notification, the owner may request a hearing to be held in accordance with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act.
The State Horticulturist may prescribe measures designed to control the plant pests. The State Horticulturist shall remove the order of embargo or detention if satisfied that the plant pests have been controlled. [1991, c. 785, §3 (NEW).]
B. A person may not offer for sale dead nursery stock or stock stressed by drying, excessive heat, excessive cold or any other condition that prevents the normal growth of the stock. A person may not offer for sale nursery stock that is subject to an order of embargo or detention. [1991, c. 785, §3 (NEW).]
[ 1991, c. 785, §3 (NEW) .]
2. Inspection of orchards, fields and gardens. The State Horticulturist or an assistant may inspect any orchard, field, garden or roadside in public or private grounds if there is reasonable cause to believe the area is infested with a plant pest that may be a threat to plants belonging to other property owners or to the health or safety of the general public. The State Horticulturist, after notice and opportunity for a hearing as provided in the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, may order the owner, occupant or person in charge to take any necessary action including the proper treatment or destruction of infested or diseased plants. If the owner of the property or a person having lawful custody of the plants does not comply with the written order, the commissioner may refer the matter to the Attorney General.
[ 1991, c. 785, §3 (NEW) .]
3. Inspection of other material. A person may request inspection of other material by the State Horticulturist prior to the movement or sale of that material. The commissioner may assess fees to cover the costs associated with those inspections. Funds generated from the fees must be deposited in a nonlapsing account and used to conduct the inspections.
[ 1991, c. 785, §3 (NEW) .]
1991, c. 785, §3 (NEW).