1. A person required to file notification shall at the time he files such notification pay to the administrator an annual fee of $20 for that year and an annual fee of $10 for each branch thereof.
[ 1981, c. 460, (AMD) .]
2. Persons required to file notification who are sellers, lessors or lenders shall pay an additional fee, at the time and in the manner stated in subsection 1, of $25 for each $100,000, or part thereof, of the original unpaid balances arising from consumer credit transactions entered into in this State within the preceding calendar year and held either by the seller, lessor or lender for more than 30 days after the inception of the sale, lease or loan giving rise to the obligations, or by an assignee who has not filed notification.
[ 2003, c. 462, §1 (AMD) .]
2-A. For purposes of assessing fees under this section, a refinancing of a sale, lease or loan made by the original creditor of the obligation that results in an increase in the amount of an obligation over the unpaid principal balance of the prior sale, lease or loan is considered a new sale, lease or loan to the extent of the amount of the increase, and volume fees must be paid on the amount of the increase. Volume fees must be paid on the full amount of a refinancing of a sale, lease or loan made by a creditor other than the original creditor.
[ 2003, c. 462, §2 (NEW) .]
3. Persons required to file notification who are assignees shall pay an additional fee, at the time and in the manner stated in subsection 1, of $25 for each $100,000, or part thereof, of the unpaid balances at the time of the assignment of obligations arising from consumer credit transactions entered into in this State taken by assignment during the preceding calendar year, but an assignee need not pay a fee with respect to an obligation on which the assignor or other person has already paid a fee.
[ 1983, c. 204, §2 (AMD) .]
3-A. Notwithstanding subsections 2 and 3, lenders who are supervised financial organizations shall pay a volume fee of $20 for each $100,000, or part thereof, of the original unpaid balances arising from or taken by assignment from consumer credit transactions entered into in this State during the previous calendar year.
[ 1993, c. 268, §2 (NEW) .]
3-B. Notwithstanding subsections 2 and 3, lenders regulated by the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection who are supervised lenders making loans secured by an interest in land shall pay a volume fee on the original unpaid balances arising from consumer credit transactions entered into in this State during the previous calendar year of:
A. Fifteen dollars for each $100,000, or part thereof, if the fund balance of the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection as of October 1st of the previous calendar year exceeds 125% of the office's current annual budget; or [2003, c. 654, §1 (NEW); 2007, c. 273, Pt. B, §5 (REV); 2007, c. 695, Pt. A, §47 (AFF).]
B. Twenty dollars for each $100,000, or part thereof, if the fund balance of the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection as of October 1st of the previous calendar year does not exceed 125% of the office's current annual budget. [2003, c. 654, §1 (NEW); 2007, c. 273, Pt. B, §5 (REV); 2007, c. 695, Pt. A, §47 (AFF).]
[ 2003, c. 654, §1 (RPR); 2007, c. 273, Pt. B, §5 (REV); 2007, c. 695, Pt. A, §47 (AFF) .]
3-C. The administrator may adjust the volume fees set out in subsections 2, 3 and 3-B by rule not more frequently than annually. In setting the fees, the administrator shall consider the reasonable costs of regulation of all aspects of such transactions and the staffing levels required to administer the responsibilities of the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection. The fee assessed pursuant to subsections 2 and 3 may not exceed $25 per $100,000, and the fee assessed pursuant to subsection 3-B may not exceed $20 per $100,000. Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.
[ 2003, c. 654, §2 (NEW); 2007, c. 273, Pt. B, §5 (REV); 2007, c. 695, Pt. A, §47 (AFF) .]
[ 1987, c. 129, §68 (RP) .]
4-A. The bureau may charge fees to nonresident individuals and resident or nonresident organizations wishing to purchase educational materials produced and distributed by the bureau.
[ 1977, c. 179, §1 (NEW) .]
5. The aggregate of fees provided for by this section is appropriated for the use of the administrator. Any balance of said funds shall not lapse but shall be carried forward to be expended for the same purposes in the following fiscal year.
[ 1973, c. 762, §1 (NEW) .]
6. Volume fees. Volume fees paid with respect to consumer credit transactions that are originated by a seller, lessor or lender, other than a supervised financial organization, and that are subsequently assigned to a financial institution, as defined in Title 9-B, section 131, subsection 17, or to a credit union, as defined in Title 9-B, section 131, subsection 12, within 30 days after the inception of the consumer credit transaction must be allocated within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, between the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection and the Bureau of Financial Institutions in proportion to the reasonable costs of regulation of all aspects of such transactions. The agreement for allocation must be established by the Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation, in consultation with the Superintendent of Consumer Credit Protection and the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, not more frequently than every 24 months.
[ 1997, c. 393, Pt. B, §5 (AMD); 2001, c. 44, §11 (AMD); 2001, c. 44, §14 (AFF); 2007, c. 273, Pt. B, §§5, 6 (REV); 2007, c. 695, Pt. A, §47 (AFF) .]
1973, c. 762, §1 (NEW). 1975, c. 179, §3 (AMD). 1975, c. 402, §§1,2 (AMD). 1977, c. 179, §1 (AMD). 1981, c. 460, (AMD). 1983, c. 204, §§1,2 (AMD). 1987, c. 129, §68 (AMD). 1987, c. 396, §11 (AMD). 1987, c. 590, (AMD). 1993, c. 268, §§1,2 (AMD). 1997, c. 155, §F1 (AMD). 1997, c. 155, §F2 (AFF). 1997, c. 393, §B5 (AMD). 2001, c. 44, §11 (AMD). 2001, c. 44, §14 (AFF). 2003, c. 462, §§1,2 (AMD). 2003, c. 654, §§1,2 (AMD). 2007, c. 273, Pt. B, §§5, 6 (REV). 2007, c. 273, Pt. B, §7 (AFF). 2007, c. 695, Pt. A, §47 (AFF).