§ 2-402. Composition; appointment of members; tenure; chairman; vacancies; compensation; staff.
(a) Composition; appointment of members.- The Board of Review has seven members appointed by the Governor with the advice of and consent of the Senate.
(b) Qualifications of members.- At least four of the seven members shall be selected from and represent the general public. The remaining members shall be persons of knowledge and experience in at least one of the fields under the jurisdiction of the Department.
(c) Tenure.- The term of membership is three years, except that, of the original appointees, three are to serve a three year term, two are to serve a two year term, and two are to serve a one year term. A member serves until his successor is appointed and qualifies. An appointment to a vacancy in an unexpired term is limited to the remainder of that term.
(d) Selection of chairman; vacancies; compensation; staff.- The Governor shall designate a chairman from among the members representing the general public. The Governor shall fill any vacancy in an unexpired term. Members of the Board shall receive the compensation provided in the State budget, and shall be reimbursed for expenses in accordance with the Standard State Travel Regulations. The Board shall have the staff provided in the State budget.
[An. Code 1957, art. 41, § 436; 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 6, § 1; 1975, ch. 720, § 2; 1994, ch. 3, § 5.]