§ 3-111. Sale of infected animals; unlawful inoculation.
(a) Sale of infected animals.- A person may not sell or otherwise dispose of an animal which he knows or has good reason to believe is infected with any contagious or infectious disease, or has been exposed to one within 90 days. Also, a person may not permit the animal to pass over any public highway, street, lane, or alley, or to graze any unfenced lot or piece of ground without the consent of the Secretary.
(b) Unlawful inoculation.- No person may inoculate any animal in the State with the virus of any infectious or contagious disease incident to animals without the written consent of the Secretary.
[An. Code 1957, art. 66C, §§ 423, 427; 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 6, § 1.]