§ 3-404. Feeding garbage to swine.
(a) "Garbage" defined.- For purposes of this section, "garbage" means any putrescible animal and fowl waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of foods, including any animal and fowl carcass, part of it, and any other substance that has been mixed with or been in contact with any animal or fowl waste or carcass. The Secretary may exclude from this definition:
(1) Wastes that have been heat-treated to the extent that the resultant material is of uniform consistency containing by analysis not more than ten percent moisture, and which he has determined to be nonputrescible. Such treated nonputrescible waste shall be deemed commercial feed as the term is used in § 6-101 of this article, and shall be subject to the provisions of Title 6 of this article.
(2) Wastes that have been heat-treated at their source in a manner which, in the opinion of the Secretary, would render them incapable of transmitting disease. Discharged animal feces may be included in hog feeds only if the finished feed meets the standards established by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Any person desiring to feed wastes in accordance with this provision shall obtain a license for that purpose from the Department, which license shall be issued annually in accordance with the terms described therefor at a fee of $100. Any fee collected under this subsection constitutes a fund to defray partially the cost of inspection and other expenses necessary for administering this subsection.
(b) Declaration of policy.- Garbage fed to swine contributes to the spread of infectious animal diseases. Therefore, it is the public policy of the State to prohibit the feeding of garbage to assist in the prevention and eradication of animal diseases and to protect the public health and public welfare.
(c) Feeding garbage to swine prohibited.- No person may feed garbage to any swine, or deposit or receive garbage at any location where any swine is kept.
(d) Disposition of swine fed in violation of section.- If any swine is fed garbage in violation of this section, it may not be sold or removed from the location within 30 days of having consumed the garbage, or longer if prescribed by the Secretary, and if the Secretary approves its removal.
(e) Feeding garbage from own household.- This section does not apply to any person who feeds garbage from his own household to swine on his premises, if the swine is not sold or removed from the premises.
[An. Code 1957, art. 66C, §§ 464, 464A; 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 6, § 1; 1974, ch. 624; 1986, ch. 5, § 1; 2007, ch. 5, § 7.]