§ 5-208. Information to be supplied customer; advance notice of application; signs posted for exterior applications; information to be supplied Department prior to application of experimental pesticide.
(a) Information to be supplied customer.- When a pesticide is applied, or at the time a customer enters into a contract with a licensee for pest control, a licensee shall provide a customer with the following written information:
(1) Name of licensee;
(2) Maryland pesticide business license number;
(3) Telephone number of licensee;
(4) Common name of pesticide or active ingredient applied;
(5) Pertinent safety information, as determined by the Department, including health risks for humans and animals, about pesticide in the end-use dilution applied;
(6) Maryland Poison Center telephone number; and
(7) Any other information required by the Department.
(b) Advance notice of application.- Upon the customer's request, the licensee shall provide the customer with advance notice of a pesticide application.
(c) Signs posted for exterior application.-
(1) A licensee or public agency permittee applying a pesticide to a lawn or to exterior landscape plants shall post at the time of application a sign.
(2) The sign shall remain 48 hours following the pesticide application, after which time the customer is responsible for the removal of the sign.
(3) (i) A person may not remove, alter, or deface the sign or agree or conspire with another to remove, alter, or deface the sign within 48 hours of its posting.
(ii) The customer or licensee may not be held liable for any penalty for sign removal under this subtitle if the sign is removed by another person or cause over which the customer or licensee has no control.
(4) The sign shall:
(i) Be clearly visible either from the principal place of access to the property; or
(ii) Be clearly visible on the portion of the property where the pesticide is applied.
(5) The sign shall contain a uniform statement approved by the Department.
(d) Information to be supplied Department prior to application of experimental pesticide.- Before applying an experimental use pesticide, the holder of the required experimental use permit from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency shall provide the Department with the following information:
(1) Name of cooperator;
(2) Location of planned application or treatment;
(3) Name of active ingredient of pesticide;
(4) Purpose of application or use;
(5) Total acreage being affected by application;
(6) Toxicological profile of pesticide; and
(7) Any other information required by the Department.
[1987, chs. 301, 302.]