§ 6-109. Commercial feed to be labeled; contents of label; placement.
(a) Label required; contents.- Any commercial feed, except customer-formula feed or contract feed, distributed in the State shall be accompanied by a legible label bearing the following information:
(1) The net weight;
(2) The name or brand under which the commercial feed is distributed;
(3) The common or usual name of each ingredient used in manufacturing the commercial feed, unless the Secretary by rule or regulation, permits the use of a collective term for a group of ingredients which perform the same function;
(4) The name and address of the person responsible for distributing the commercial feed; and
(5) The guaranteed analysis of the commercial feed, listing the minimum percentage of crude protein, minimum percentage of crude fat, and maximum percentage of crude fiber, for mineral feeds the list shall include the following if added: minimum and maximum percentage of calcium (Ca), minimum percentage of phosphorous (P), minimum percentage of iodine (I), and minimum and maximum percentage of salt (NaCl). Other substances or elements, determinable by laboratory methods, may be guaranteed if permission of the Secretary is obtained. If any feed nutrient is guaranteed, it shall be subject to inspection and analysis in accordance with the methods and rules and regulations adopted by the Secretary. Products distributed solely as mineral or vitamin supplements and guaranteed as specified in this section need not show guarantees for protein, fat, or fiber.
(b) Placement of label.- When distributed in the State in bags or other containers, commercial feed shall bear the label placed on or affixed to the container. When distributed in bulk, the label shall accompany delivery and be furnished to the distributee at the time of delivery.
[An. Code 1957, art. 48, § 120; 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 6, § 1.]