§ 6-207. Registration.
(a) Registration of commercial fertilizer and soil conditioner required.- Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, a distributor shall register each brand and grade of commercial fertilizer and each product name of soil conditioner before distributing it in the State and shall pay the registration fee.
(b) Registration application; copy to be furnished.- The registration application shall be accompanied by a label or other printed matter describing the product, if requested by the Secretary. The application shall be submitted on forms furnished by the Secretary. Upon the Secretary's approval, a copy of the registration shall be furnished to the applicant.
(c) Expiration date.- Each registration expires January 31 each year.
(d) Exemptions.-
(1) Provided the product label has not been altered or changed, a distributor shall not be required to register any brand and grade of commercial fertilizer or product name of soil conditioner which has been registered under this subtitle by another person.
(2) A distributor shall not be required to register a commercial fertilizer mixed or blended according to a formula furnished by a consumer, but he shall label the fertilizer in the order and form provided in § 6-210(c) of this subtitle. However, any fertilizer mixed in advance of receipt of the customer's specific order shall be registered.
[An. Code 1957, art. 66C, § 474; 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 6, § 1; 1980, ch. 712, § 2; 1989, ch. 369; 2007, ch. 5, § 7.]